Enlightened Feelings Living Flower Essences
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Custom Photo Test

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Price: $165.00


Custom testing and a life-altering custom essence formula and protocol that is as unique and individual as you are!

Custom Photo testing pinpoints the exact combination of individual flower frequencies that will bring balance to your mind and body  

A custom test includes a personal consultation with your test results, and personal one-one-one coaching and support while you are taking your custom essence formula  

Custom testing is a life-altering experience!  We help you release deep-seated issues and trauma, and reframe your perspective and beliefs to become more empowering and life-affirming


Available anywhere in Canada or continental USA


  • Shipping extra (varies depending on location--country, state, province or postal code).   
  • Custom formula ($60-$90) extra
  • Other essences (such as a control release formula) may also be needed to augment the custom essence

Due to time zone differences, custom testing is not available outside of continental North America.  It generally takes about 2 weeks before you receive the results of your initial custom test  

Many emotional problems are multi-layered and complex.  Therefore, most people require a second or third custom formula to complete their process to wholeness.  Second and third tests do cost less than the initial testing and you generally receive the results within 3 days  


We place a lot of effort and attention into our clients who request custom testing protocols.  Therefore, we do require that you be fully invested in your wellbeing before you commit to a custom essence protocol


If you are currently using or have used homeopathy for treating maladies or emotional issues, we do not recommend taking our living flower frequencies (topical essences are OK to use).  Homeopathic tissues salts and topical homeopathic remedies will not affect your results with our living flower frequencies.  Please include a list of any homeopathic preparations you have used  


You can opt for a regular test, which determines which prepared essence fusions are optimal for your needs at this time


Instructions for submitting your photo will be included with your order confirmation. 

Your photo should look similar to this....look straight into the camera, and fill the entire space with your head and shoulders.  It's OK to smile!





Original copyright 2009.  Last updated November 2024.   All rights reserved.  No parts of this website or its contents may be copied or quoted without the express written permission of Lori D'Ascenzo


Enlightened Feelings

Email Us    tel: 1.519.586.2983

located in beautiful Long Point Beach world biosphere, Norfolk County, Ontario  N0E 1M0