Enlightened Feelings Living Flower Essences


Essences Created Especially for Children & Teens


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Health practitioners across the continent have become increasingly alarmed about the mental health of children and teens--with youth mental health issues and learning challenges now at 74%, and a 250% increase in suicide since 2008 for children aged 7-14.  Health professionals asked us to help.  So, we have created special essences just for children and teens!

Children's gentle and uplifting un-potentized non-alcohol living essences are softer than our adult essences.  They contain no filllers, excipients, medicants, or other harmful substances--only the pure natural frequencies of living flowers implanted into spring water, with stomach-calming calcium ascorbate as the preservative.  These sweet essences are specially designed to help address the energetic imbalances that children and teens commonly encounter in this increasingly complex world


From a mom ...  "Thank you for creating such phenomenal flower essences.  They especially make a parent feel in control with providing our children with the best tools possible to be their best self.  

Finding an essence for children is vital for the young generation today.  Dealing with emotions is so important to me.  Educating my boys on the importance of living life with a healthy mindset is my biggest focus.   I encourage and motivate you to create MORE essences for children.  I am confident you can help so many children deal with hardships.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!"  Laura A  Toronto ON


children reading


It is especially challenging to be young in today's world.  But, we can help children and teens to feel more confident, more secure in themselves, less vulnerable to bullying and negative influences, and less affected by harmful electromagnetic fields bombarding them every day



"I wanted to share with you all the changes in my son since he took the 2 essences you suggested a few months back. He went from being an introvert that stayed home all the time and wore mostly black, to learning how to drive, getting a new job he enjoys, wearing color and losing over 25 pounds. He has a smile on his face and a pep in his step. I am so grateful I could explode!"   Irene R  Fairfield CT  



teensOur gentle youth essence fusions were created to help elicit positive uplifting feelings so your child or teen can effortlessly let go of negative feelings.  These essences simply feel good!  And that can help your child to feel more positive and happy!

Children 8 years and up respond well to our youth essences, and once they have tried the essences will often ask for them.  Simply add a few drops of essence to a small glass of water.  There is no detectible taste or scent


"My daughter has now been on the essences for a week and I can already feel a difference with her ... She is getting back to her fun and giggly self."  Alaina J  Salt Lake City Utah



PLEASE NOTE:  Children under the age of 18 should not be given essences to address psychological trauma or complex adult issues, even if you are working closely with a qualified child psychologist.  Never use adult essence fusions for children or teens.  They require smaller doses and softer frequencies


Don't forget about YOU!  ... when your child is ailing, take an essence fusion yourself to stay calm and in balance!  It is normal to be upset and hurting when someone you love is in distress!  Nurturer in Balance is ideal  




Teach your children healthy ways to get their needs met  Children aged 4 and younger generally have not yet attained social awareness and therefore generally do not need essences, except for pain relief or stress calming.  Their emotions are still open, uncensored, and expressive in asking to have their needs met  

This is the age to show your child that it is healthy and normal to politely ask for what they need.  Listen when your child cries or gets angry.  Through your negative or distracted responses you may be inadvertently teaching your child that it is not OK to express their fears, needs, and feelings.  This will only result in unhappiness, negative beliefs about not having the right to get their needs met, and an inability to communicate or be vulnerable and intimate later as they mature


How physical issues can manifest as emotional problems:  We have found that problem behaviours or learning/cognitive issues that appear at pre-school age often due to an undetected health issue, such as a spinal subluxation or mild kidney infection.  A subluxation interrupts the neural signals travelling along the spine and therefore influences cognition, attention, hyper-activity, fears and phobias, moods, and all aspects of being. Subluxation happens often because small children lack muscle development and co-ordination.  To rule out any organic cause, we suggest a visit to a qualified Osteopath who has experience and training in helping children 

baby in crib with teddy bear
For 'fussy' children under the age of 3 years, simply place a few drops of essence in the bathwater, or place the essence bottle inside a pillowcase placed in the crib with the child so the radiant frequencies can gently assist      








Children and teens LOVE this essence fusion!  Helps you accept yourself totally and be comfortable with your body and image.  Allows you to feel comfortable with being different from others.  Ends negative self-talk and being self-critical

May also be used by adults at higher dosage


21 days + repeat once a month for 3-5 days   

30 ml  @ $30  ~  60 ml @ $50

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Self Acceptance essence fusion helps a teen blossom!
Tannin's story ... "My daughter, Tannin, used the "Self-Acceptance" flower essence according to your instructions (initial 21 days, then a cycle of 5 days in both April and May), and we are thrilled with the results!!! She has demonstrated much more self-confidence and an ability to choose to make the best out of tough situations rather than try to evade them. Additionally, her moods seem to have stabilized. She has had no more episodes of crying and being unable to explain why. We are so grateful to you!  Thank you again so very much for helping her. The changes are real and significant. I've attached one of her dance recital portraits from last week."  (quote and photo used with permission)
Congrats, Tannin!  A beautiful star is born!









Uplifting Confidence

"Uplifting Confidence"

Gently instills uplifting feelings of self-worth and confidence.  Increases confidence at school and in social situations 


"My (teenage) son is taking Uplifting Confidence and there is a pep in his step...his guidance counsellor told me she notices a difference in him and that makes me so happy.  Thank you for all your help"  Irene R  Connecticut


May also be used by adults at higher dosage


21 days + repeat once a month for 3-5 days

30 ml  @ $30  ~  60 ml @ $50

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Self Esteem



"Self Esteem"

Promotes self confidence and independence.  Quells neediness

May also be used by adults at higher dosage


21 days + repeat once a month for 3-5 days

30 ml  @ $30  ~  60 ml @ $50

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Love Yourself


"Love Yourself"

A sweet, kind, positively uplifting feel-good essence that fees like a big warm grandma hug!  This very helpful and important essence fusion that can help your children develop healthy self-love and self-care

May also be used by adults at higher dosage


21 days + repeat once a month for 3-5 days 

30 ml  $30  ~  60 ml  $50

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A lovely sweet, light essence to feel happy and carefree!  Helps a child be a happy-go-lucky child again when life's daily worries, school, and upsets cause your child to withdraw or seem moody, sad or depressed!  One of our most popular and favourite youth essence fusions!  Especially loved by younger children  


This is your 'go-to essence' to help with the widest range of childhood issues, including unhappiness at day care centres

Also helpful for babies and small children who are fussy, colicky or cry a lot!  Add a little to bathwater or a few drops in water or juice.  Or simply place a bottle of essence inside a pillow case in the crib for a more restful baby


Use 3-5 days as needed 

15 ml  @ $15  ~  30 ml  $30  

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Calm & Secure for Children




"Calm & Secure"  mild stress relief for children

A lightly calming stress relief remedy for children. Quells common situational anxiety and fear.  Use as needed


30 ml  $30

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Calm and Secure ALONE for Children

"Calm & Secure ALONE"  for relief of Separation Anxiety

A natural remedy to dissolve feelings of  anxiety, loneliness and stress when separated from companions or parents, such as when at summer camp

Also helpful for toddlers who cling to parents.  Quickly instills a state of serenity, independence and confidence.  Behaviour calms quickly  


Permanently eradicates separation anxiety when used daily for 21 days      


30 ml @ $30

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Social Butterfly

"Social Butterfly"

Promotes greater ease and comfort in social situations.  Helpful for those who feel awkward, shy, or introverted.  Reduces shyness and self-consciousness  

Also helpful when meeting people for the first time


May also be used by adults at higher dosage

Use as needed  

15 ml  @ $15  ~  30 ml  $30

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Social Empowerment


"Social Empowerment"

Stronger and more complex than SOCIAL BUTTERFLY, this essence fusion is designed to address issues stemming from social rejection, feeling like an outcast or different from others,  being ostracized, or bullying   


"After just 3 days on Social Empowerment, my 8 yr old granddaughter not only seemed happier and began to make more friends, but she also figured out all on her own that she needed to be a better friend to others in order to have friends.  She LOVES this essence and actually asks for it"  Wendy W  Pt Colborne ON 


Fosters acceptance, confidence, and self-appreciation.  Neutralizes the emotional and psychological impact of mean or 2-faced people, social rejection, bullying, and feeling misunderstood or different from others or an outcast.  Helps a child feel more socially adept and able to interact without feeling self-conscious or afraid  


"It's the best thing I have done for my 8 yr old son!  Here's why ... Peer tutor said that my son is clearly articulating himself and his sentence word structure comes effortlessly.  Where prior he was scattered and easily distracted.  His OT reported that his letter formation is neater and he is more willing.  He seems happier and much more confident.  All these recent milestones are such a blessing!"  Laura A  Toronto ON


Also helpful for introverts and those who are gentle and shy.  Helps you feel more outgoing and able to take the initiative   

May also be used by adults at higher dosage


Use 21 days + once a month for 3-5 days  

15 ml  @ $15  ~  30 ml  $30

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Children's Adapt to Change


"Adapt to Change for Children & Teens"   

Our special youth formula helps with adjustment to change or new experiences, such as first day of school, kindergarten, or college, or when moving to a new home or relocating to another city or country.  Quells homesickness and instills a sense of adventure and independence


"I actually starting giving my older son the flower essence Social Empowerment about two weeks prior to school. I then added Adapt to Change for five days. This school year, my son started off the school year seamlessly! I am just so very happy." Laura A  Toronto


Use from 3 to 21 days as needed  

15 ml  @ $15  ~  30 ml  $30    

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Most of our essence fusions naturally help to balance left and right brain hemispheres, allowing for whole brain function.  But, we specifically formulated FOCUS to also help increase concentration, focus and assuredness  

FOCUS can help with studying, or writing exams.  This essence remedy is also helpful for athletes who need to be 'in the zone'

May also be used by adults at higher dosage


Use as needed 

15 ml  @ $15  ~  30 ml  $30

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Children's Rescue & Revive

"Rescue & Revive"

A grounding, calming stabilizer to restore mental stability and calm balance.   May be used to increase focus and grounding and reduce situational stress for children, which is critical for learning  

Helpful for sensitive and 'right-brain dominant' (left handed) children who are artistic or learn kinaesthetically  and therefore struggle with mainstream auditory and visual teaching methods.  Helps to balance left and right brain hemispheres, allowing for whole brain function, and a calmer nervous system  

RESCUE & REVIVE is helpful when taken shortly before stressful events such as tests or exams, job interviews, or public speaking.  Helps promote a feeling of peace, grounding, wellbeing and clarity

May also be used for pets


Use as needed     

 15 ml  @ $15  ~  30 ml  $30 

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Shield for Children

"Shield for Children"  

Specially designed to protect children who are empathic. empathetic,  or highly sensitive and easily affected by those in their environment.  The protective qualities of SHIELD allow for greater confidence and ability to set boundaries.  Also helpful for children who are exposed to parental conflict


"6 days on Shield has helped my daughter tremendously. She says she doesn't feel other people's bad energy like before. Now someone that dislikes her can stand right besides her and she won't feel the goosebumps she used to."   Domenica F  Rio Grande TX 


Try it at bedtime for children who are afraid to go to sleep, and for children who see or feel spirits or are afraid of the dark.  Provides a sense of protection and safety


Use as needed   

15 ml  @ $15  ~  30 ml  $30 

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"Zen"  deep stress & anxiety relief  

For children who are filled with fear and anxiety.  Instills profoundly calming deep relaxation accompanied by acceptance and a sense of wellbeing  

Especially useful at bedtime

May be used by adults at higher dosage


Use as needed  

15 ml  @ $15  ~  30 ml  $30 

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Children's Chill Out


"Chill Out for Children"

Instills a calming sense of wellbeing, contentment and relaxation.  Helpful for children who are too serious  

May help to calm down and relax hyperactive children.  Not useful for ADHD 


Use for 3-21 days  

15 ml @ $15  ~ 30 ml @ $30

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I Feel Blessed
"I Feel Blessed"
A light uplifting lovely remedy to instil positive feelings of happiness, gratitude, and joy.  Theses are our most natural, innate feelings, and are important for children to experience often
May be used by adults at higher dosage
Use 3-5 days as needed  
15 ml @ $15  ~ 30 ml @ $30

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I Feel Loved
"I Feel Loved"
A wonderful warm-and-fuzzy antidote when your child or teen is feeling alone and unloved.  Helpful for children when parents are undergoing separation or divorce.  This essence fusion helps your child or teen feel softly enveloped in positive, loving feelings, like an angel hug
May be used by adults at higher dosage
Use for 3-5 days as needed 
 30 ml @ $30 
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Abandonment Heal

"Abandonment Heal"   

Gently neutralizes fears and feelings related to abandonment or rejection.  Instills a feeling of comfort and nurturing  

Also helpful for children who are adopted, in foster care, or are enduring insecurity and feelings of rejection through family split-ups and parental divorce situations

May also be used by adults at higher dosage


Use for 21 days

30 ml @ $30

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Mother & Child Bond

"Mother & Child Bond"

The gentle frequencies of this essence fusion can help new mothers, babies, children and orphaned pets to feel loved, bonded, and secure 

Instills a loving, protective urge and promotes healthy emotional bonding between mother and child.  Helps to promote feelings of belonging, comfort, and safety  

This gentle essence fusion is especially helpful in counteracting negative postpartum emotions, and rejection of a child.  Assists with forming new emotional bonds such as with adoption

Also helps when mother and infant have been separated, such as extended hospitalization, parental visitation order, abduction, or foster care 

For babies and toddlers, simply add a few drops to bathwater or place bottle inside a pillowcase in the crib  


Use for 21 days  

30 ml @ $30   

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Asthma and breathing issues often show up in childhood because of a deep-seated pre-existing unconscious belief such as 'I don't deserve to be here' or 'I am a burden'.  This negative belief that you don't have a right to even exist can begin as early as in vitro and inhibit a child's ability to take in life-sustaining breath


BREATHE acts quickly to dissolve and overwrite unconscious negative emotional thought patterns and beliefs that may inhibit breathing and contribute to impaired respiratory function and chronic respiratory issues including asthma, sudden death syndrome (sleep apnea), and sinus issues 


30 ml @ $30

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AH Plus topical essence fusion


AH PLUS is a natural, non-invasive, drug-free way to help safely and quickly relieve childhood injuries and pain.  AH PLUS stops pain within a couple minutes--whether from a cut, an injury, an insect sting, or a tooth ache.  Simply spray it on lightly--no need to touch the injury!  It is odourless, colourless, stain-free, and very soothing   


AH PLUS contains the frequencies of DNA repair, plus additional flower frequencies that prompt the release of beneficial nitrous oxide, attract hemoglobin, and soothe, augment, re-balance and integrate your body's energies so that the healing process becomes rapidly accelerated while pain and discomfort is reduced   


Beneficial in speeding the repair process by up to 30-53% for injuries such as burns, surgical incisions, wounds, skin grafts, insect bites, abscesses, burns, fractures, and skin eruptions.  AH PLUS starts to work in 1-3 minutes.  It feels very soothing and non-invasive to children (and pets).  The effects of application are cumulative  

Safe, natural, no odour, and non-toxic for use on children and animals.  Contains no medicaments or harmful additives.  Contains 5% alcohol as a preservative and rapid-drying agent.  Active ingredient: frequencies captured from live flowers


Convenient atomizer.  Use orally or topically as needed  

30 ml atomizer @ $30 ~ 60 ml atomizer @ $50

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Our products are private brand label.  They not sold in stores or other retail settings and are available only through affiliated health practitioners


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Need advice or assistance?  Contact Us:    Email us    tel: 1.519.586.2983


Hours:  9AM-5PM EST Monday-Thursday





Original copyright 2009.  Last updated November 2024.   All rights reserved.  No parts of this website or its contents may be copied or quoted without the express written permission of Lori D'Ascenzo


Enlightened Feelings

Email Us    tel: 1.519.586.2983

located in beautiful Long Point Beach world biosphere, Norfolk County, Ontario  N0E 1M0