Enlightened Feelings Living Flower Essences


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We accept Visa & Mastercard.  E-transfer is optional for Canadian orders


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The actual credit card payment is applied on the day your order actually ships--NOT when you place your order.   Applicable discounts are credited to your order and shipping cost is added before we process your payment.  A detailed receipt with tracking # is emailed to you

For USA orders, your credit card statement will show a 30-40% discount for USA currency exchange


If you have placed 2 or more orders with us, we invite you to join our MEMBERSHIP to receive discounts and perks!  It's FREE to join and the $ rewards add up!! 



NON_ALCOHOL essence fusions now available!


Canada:  Canada Post Expedited & UPS

(Express & ground rates based on weight & Postal Code) 


USA:  DHL  2-day Express:  0-1 lb  $32.75  1-4 lbs  $36.50  *plus remote surcharge in some areas   UPS Ground: time and cost based on zip code  

Visit our blog for the latest updates 


UK:  Canada Post Tracked Package 

DHL Express  (4 days) = 0-1 lb (up to 100 ml) = $48   1-4 lbs (up to 360 ml)  $54.50


Australia:  Canada Post Tracked Package  (10 days) =  0-.5 kg (up to 140 ml) = $42   0.5-1 kg (up to 300 ml) = $69.75

DHL Express (6 days) = 0-1 lb (up to 100 ml) $86.50  1- 4 lbs (up to 300 ml) = $94.50

UPS Expedited (6 days) = 0-1 lb $85  


All USA and International orders are non-alcohol only



Need a little help to choose the essence fusions you need?  

Order a set of our testing cards!  Or order a mini test



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Mini Photo Test
Mini Photo Test


Feeling overwhelmed and confused trying to select the best flower essences for your needs?  

Solution:  Add a mini test to your order and we'll ensure you get the ideal products for your needs!  

A mini test ensures optimal results and you don't waste money ordering essence fusions that aren't right for you.  You only receive essences you really need, along with personalized instructions 

Nothing is ever charged to your credit card until we consult with you on the test results and your order is ready to ship    

Click on the photo or product link for more details

Available anywhere in Canada or continental USA


Semi-Custom Test
Photo Test

 Get the results you want without the challenges of trying to figure out what is really going on in your unconscious mind!  

We will create your own customized essence protocol!  Simply send us your photo and tell us what you want to achieve with our essence fusions.  We'll test your photo and create a customized protocol for you with the ideal essence fusions for your needs. Includes a personal phone consultation to discuss your results

Nothing is ever charged to your credit card until we consult with you on the test results and your order is ready to ship.   Essence fusions and shipping are additional cost

Click on the photo or product link to learn more about testing


Available anywhere in Canada or continental USA


Custom Photo Test
Custom Photo Test

Custom testing with custom essence protocol is as unique and individual as you are!  

Custom Photo testing delves into your subconscious mind to pinpoint the exact individual flower frequencies that will bring balance to your complex psyche and body.  Includes a one-on-one private consultation to discuss your test results, along with personal coaching and support while you are taking your custom essence formula


   This is truly a life-altering experience!

Click on the photo or product link for more details


Essence Fusions Testing Set
Set of 76 Essence Fusions Testing Cards

A great self-help tool!  

Our unique testing cards offer 8 different ways to test yourself and others for hidden emotional issues, unconscious beliefs, and blockages. You'll be able to quickly and easily pinpoint the exact essence fusions you or your clients need, any time you want 

You can also use the cards when you don't have a appropriate essence fusion and need a quick re-balancing or rescue!  Just hold a testing card against your chest to absorb its energy.  A helpful tool for health professionals, coaches and counsellors, too!

Click on the image or link for more details



Activates and accelerates your body's own healing capacity using the frequency of DNA repair and soothing frequencies that prompt pain relief naturlly.  AH may help to bring comfort for a wide range of painful degenerative conditions that are caused by suppressed negative emotions--such as arthritis, bursitis, chronic back pain, muscle strain, scarring, and inflammation.  Ideal for degenerative conditions that have not responded well to traditional medical treatment.  May enhance the efficacy of natural therapies such as massage, acupuncture, vibro-accoustic therapy or reflexology  

Convenient atomizer to use orally or topically as needed.  Safe for use on children and animals


Available in 30 ml Atomizer @ $30  ~  60 ml Atomizer @ $50

Also available in Healers' Set


Click the image or link for details on this product

From $30.00


Designed to energetically accelerate the healing of wounds, incisions, fractures, torn ligaments, skin rashes, etc.  Frequencies help to mend and unite tissue from the inside out (opposite of normal healing which scabs over)  

Convenient atomizer.  Use orally or topically as needed to speed healing and diminish pain.  Suitable for children and animals 


Available in 30 ml Atomizer @ $30   or  60 ml Atomizer @ $50

Also available in Healers Set  


Click the image or link for details on this product

From $30.00


Energetically helps to dissolve impaired flexibility in joints that may have resulted from stubborn inflexible mental patterns or feeling 'stuck' and unable to move forward or make changes  


Available in 30 ml Atomizer @ $30  ~  60 ml Atomizer @ $50

Click the image or link for details on this product

From $30.00

Healers' Set
Healers' Set

4 natural essence fusions to augment your healing therapies PLUS an essence fusion to clear & protect  the healer  

AH ~ AH PLUS ~ AH Flexible ~  Stress Buster!     

30 ml Convenient atomizers for topical application PLUS Clear & Protect for clearing and protecting your own energy field


$120  ($150 value--Save 20%) 


Also available in 60 ml   $175  ($250 value--Save $75)

Orig.: From $150.00
Sale: From $120.00

The 3 Protectors
The 3 Protectors


We've bundled our most popular everyday protection essences to help you save $$!



  • EMF Shield counteract the detrimental effects of EMF frequencies on the human body!  
  • Shield provides an energetic shield to protect you from psychic attack, negativity, other people's emotional debris, and ‘toxic’ people
  • CLEAR & PROTECT balances, nourishes and strengthens your auric field from the inside out, radiating a higher frequency that clears your energy field of negative thoughts, feelings and negative energies


Use as needed    

30 ml set @ $80 (reg $90)  ~  60 ml set @ $120 (reg $150)


Click the image or link for details on this product

Orig.: From $90.00
Sale: From $80.00

Abandonment Heal
Abandonment Heal

Relieves and overwrites feelings of loss, sorrow, heartache, emptiness, and feeling unloved or unlovable, rejected, or abandoned and replaces with a feeling of comfort and nurturing.  Eases your grief and helps you find acceptance and inner peace

Suitable for children 

Use for 21-66 days   30 ml @ $30  ~  60 ml $50

From $30.00


Promotes the necessary elements for tapping into universal abundance including allowance, receptivity, expansion, self forgiveness, and worthiness.  Attraction is based on your personal value system--whatever is emotionally important to you  


Use daily for 21 days.  Repeat monthly for 3-5 days  

30 ml @ $30  ~ 60 ml @ $50 

Click the image or link for more information

From $30.00

Prosperity Pack
Prosperity Pack


A 4-step process to attract abundance and possibilities!


     .I Am Deserving  Begin with feeling worthy of having more  30 ml

     .Abundance   Next, remove energetic blockages in your energy field and become open to attracting and receiving blessings   30 ml
     .Success  Then instill motivation, confidence and organization to plan and succeed   30 ml
     .Open Door to Co-Creation  Effortlessly manifest whatever you envision  15 ml


$105 value  $90  (Save $15)  

Orig.: From $105.00
Sale: From $90.00

Adapt to Change
Adapt to Change


Assists you to adapt effortlessly and gracefully, or move on and accept change.  Ideal for starting school, moving to a new city, or any life change that you may be resisting  


Safe for children and pets (please specify to receive proper instructions and dosage) 



15 ml @ $15  ~  30 ml @ $30


15 ml for children  @ $15  ~ 30 ml for children @ $30


15 ml for pets @ $30  ~  30 ml for pets @ $30

From $15.00

Align to Your Destiny
Align to Your Destiny

This essence is like an open sail that draws you to your destiny and spiritual purpose to help you enjoy true fulfillment.  It strengthens your will to make choices more in alignment with your highest spiritual intention.  It addresses unconscious past life issues and karma that are preventing you from stepping into your destiny, and enables you to receive on all levels.

21 days   30 ml @ $30 

From $30.00

Beat The Cravings
Beat The Cravings

Instills a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment that helps you to let go of cravings or addictions.  Helps you feel stronger than the craving.  Promotes strength and discipline

Supportive adjunct for dieting, to stop smoking, food or sugar cravings, etc.  Use ongoing throughout the day while you are addressing the craving or addiction. 

We recommend 'Strength & Resolve' to work in conjunction with BEAT THE CRAVINGS

Use 1-3 times daily for 21-66 days   

30 ml @ $30  ~  60 ml $50

From $30.00

Be Kind to Yourself
Be Kind to Yourself


For those times you really need gentle self-nurturing and self-kindness.  Provides a feeling of comfort like a nurturing mother.  Also ideal when you really need a hug and no one's there to give one

Use for 3-5 days as needed

30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50

From $30.00

Beloved Inner Child
Beloved Inner Child


This gentle loving essence reclaims your inner child.  Gently nurtures, heals, and helps you love your wounded or self-abandoned inner child.  Helps to you feel more playful, innocent, happy and carefree.  It lets your inner heart sing!


Use for 3-5 days, then as needed, or for 21 days for deeper issues

30 ml @ $30 (21 days)

From $30.00

Brave New Future
Brave New Future

Helpful for negotiating through unwanted change, new uncomfortable situations, and forced transitions that come with lots of attachments and emotional baggage

Ideal for situations resulting from 'empty nest', blended families, retirement, and changes caused by the pandemic


Use for 21-42 days 

30 ml  @ $30  ~  60 ml  @ $50

From $30.00

Breaking Bad Habits
Breaking Bad Habits
Instills a sense of strength, grounding and fortitude to help you break bad habits or addictions, clear clutter, or stop procrastinating  
We recommend 'Strength & Resolve' to work in conjunction with Breaking Bad Habits  
Use 21-66 days

30 ml @ $30  ~  60 ml $50

From $30.00

Breaking Bad Habits Protocol
Creates an 'I can do this" resolve and inner support for overcoming bad habits or clearing clutter.  Ideal when you just don't have the strength or will to do it on your own
Has demonstrated to help with smoking cessation, unhealthy eating practices, clearing clutter, and some types of addiction (such as Oxycontin)  
Use for 42-66 days

     .Strength & Resolve   60 ml
     .Beat the Cravings    60 ml
     .Breaking Bad Habits   60 ml

42 day supply  $150 value  $130  (Save $20) 

Orig.: From $150.00
Sale: From $130.00



Addresses the emotional issues that cause breathing issues such as Asthma, COPD, snoring, coughing, and sinus congestion.  Promotes deeper breathing and clears air passageways and sinuses.   Helpful for snoring, Asthma, respiratory  infections, and COPD


30 ml  $30

30 ml for Children @ $30

30 ml for Pets @ $30

From $30.00

Broken Heart Heal
Broken Heart Heal


Especially created for the most challenging types of grief that are so life-altering, and for grief that persists for a much longer period of time, such as the loss of a partner, parent, or child.  Also useful following divorce or rejection  

Gently and gradually releases deep heartache, grief and loss.  Shifts you through and beyond long-term grief.  Turns sorrow and grief into acceptance and understanding when your loss seems so unfair and your whole life has changed.  Also helps to release guilt and reluctance associated with moving on with your life


Use for 42-66 days 

We recommend 'Be Kind to Yourself' to follow this essence

60 ml @ $50 


"Broken Heart Heal was huge for me.  I didn't realize how much I was weighed down by all of my losses.  That was huge.  I tell everyone I can about your flower essences."   Evelyn R  Hunt TX

From $50.00

Calm & Secure
Calm & Secure for Children


A lightly calming non-alcohol stress relief remedy for children. Quells common situational anxiety and fear. 


Use when needed

30 ml @ $30


Calm & Secure ALONE
Calm & Secure ALONE for Children


for separation anxiety relief

A non-alcohol natural remedy to stop children from feeling anxiety, loneliness and stress when separated from companions or parents.  Quickly instills a state of serenity, independance and confidence.  Behaviour calms quickly


Permanently eradicates separation anxiety when used daily for 21 days       

30 ml @ $30




A lovely sweet, light essence to help you feel happy and carefree--no matter what your age!  Especially helpful when you are feeling too serious or stoic  

Suitable for both adults and children.  Especially helpful for children who are fussy or unhappy!  Specify if ordering for children, as the dosage/instructions will be different


Use as needed  

30 ml @ $30

Non-alcohol Carefree for Children  15 ml @ $15 ~ 30 ml @ $30

From $15.00

Individual Chakra Essences
Individual Chakra Essences

Order 30 ml chakra essences individually.  Choose from:

Root ~ Sacral ~ Solar Plexus ~ Heart ~ Higher Heart (Thymus) ~ Throat ~ Zeal Point ~ 3rd Eye ~ Crown

From $30.00

Chakra Balancing Set
Chakra Balancing Set

Set of 10 essences provides multiple benefits, as each formula addresses the emotional causes and vibrational immbalances associated with disruptions in the chakric system  

Balances and protects 9 chakras + 30 ml  Clear and Protect:

Root Chakra  ~  Sacral Chakra  ~  Solar Plexus  ~  Heart  ~  Higher Heart (Thymus)  ~  Throat Chakra  ~  Zeal Point  ~  3rd Eye  ~  Crown  


15 ml set  9 chakra essences + 30 ml Protection  $165 value   $130  (save $35!)  

30 ml set   9 chakra essences + 30 ml Protection  $300 value  $225   (save $75!)   


You can also Order chakra bottles individually 

click on the image or link for more details

Orig.: From $165.00
Sale: From $125.00

Chill Out
Chill Out

The essence of wellbeing and serenity.  Release all worries and helps you slow down and 'stop to smell the roses'.  Feels like you are on vacation!

Our children and pets formula is different than our adult formula.  It calms over-active hyper behaviour and instills a feeling of ease and calmness  

*Specify if ordering for children or pets as formula, dosage, and instructions will be different


Use for 3-5 days whenever needed  


Available in 15 ml @ $15  ~  30 ml @ $30

Non-Alcohol Chill Out for Children   15 ml @ $15  ~  30 ml @ $30 

Non-Alcohol Chill Out for Pets   15 ml @ $15  ~  30 ml @ $30

From $15.00

Chi Tonic
Chi Tonic

Helps to restore your life force energy and vitality when you are weakened or depleted, or have a debilitating condition.  Increases will to live  

Suited for both people and pets


30 ml $30  ~  60 ml @ $50



From $30.00

Clear & Protect
Clear & Protect

Clear & Protect opens you to higher consciousness and intuitive awareness while providing important grounding and protection. 

It balances, nourishes and strengthens your auric field from the inside out, radiating a higher frequency that clears your energy field of negative thoughts, feelings and negative energies.   Provides a buffer from the harmful effects of all types of negative energies, including the ill will of others, dissonance, and harmful EMF's that have no place in your energy field.  Allows your clear energy field to radiate out to balance your environment and influence the energy of those around you in positive ways.  It's like a constant meditation, keeping you in balance, aware, attuned and connected to your higher self 


Use as needed  30 ml @ $30  ~  60 ml   @ $50

Also available in Chakra Set and in Stress Relief Pack

From $30.00

Comfort and Solace
Comfort and Solace

Comforting remedy acts quickly to promote acceptance, release guilt, and dissolve heartbreak, despair and emptiness.  Especially helpful  in hospice care, and when you have been the caregiver or guardian in a relationship, such as with a pet, child, parent, or terminally ill loved one.  Very helpful when a pet has to be euthanized.  Provides an extra cocoon of comfort and strength when taken for 3 days preceding euthanization of your pet

From $30.00

Control Release
Control Release

Promotes the release of judgment, criticism, perfectionism, security issues, and other control issues that prevent an effortless release of your deeply held emotional issues.  Control issues can prevent you from releasing your past completely, as you instinctively want to stay safe and not feel emotional pain  

This essence is highly recommended before beginning an emotional healing remedy for your past if you have experienced any of the following in childhood or teen years:  criticism, not feeling safe, a perfectionist parent, alcoholic or mentally ill parent, dysfunctional home, frequent relocation, foster care, abuse or rape

Take it alone, or take it before using any of our other essence remedies, or in conjunction with another remedy.  You will feel less inner tension and much more relaxed and at ease AND you will enjoy much better results with our living flower essences!


Use for 21-66 days

30 ml @ $30  ~  60 ml @ $50

From $30.00


Helps to dissolve and dissipate trepidation, fear, timidness, cowardice.  Helps you feel more grounded, in balance, and able to hold your own in situations which previously frightened or alarmed you


21 days.  Then as needed

30 ml @ $30  ~  60 ml @ $50 

From $30.00

Deep Wounds of Childhood
Deep Wounds of Childhood


Prompts the release and healing of all types of childhood pain, including abuse, abandonment, and bullying.  Helps you make lasting peace with your past

This essence is also helpful when the issues you have about your mother cause you judge yourself as a mother.  Helps you to feel more accepting of yourself and more nurturing toward your children  

For traumatic childhood abuse, you may need a 42 day remedy or a secondary essence fusion


Use for 21-42 days    30 ml @ $30  ~  60 ml @ $50

click on the image or link for more details

From $30.00

Dissolving Anger
Dissolving Anger
Quickly and effortlessly dissolves feelings of rage, anger, animosity, road rage, impatience, frustration, vengeance, even when those feelings have been long-held.  It's like surrounding yourself with Baker-Miller Pink!  You simply cannot feel angry with this essence!  Quickly transforms anger into lightness and joy
Use for 21 days for long-held anger and feelings of injustice.  Use for 3-5 days whenever needed to quell occasional outbursts of anger 
30 ml @ $30

From $30.00

Divorce Heal
Divorce Heal


A powerful heart-healing remedy to dissolve heartbreak, rejection, animosity and rancour, and other long-held highly-charged negative emotions.  Helps to heal your heart and allow you to let go of the past and find peace  

This essence is helpful for healing the pain of ANY type of relationship or partnership that is causing anger, animosity and negative feelings.  Also works to dissolve animosity when you are still in a relationship with lots of negative feelings


Use for 21-66 days 

30 ml @ $30  ~  60 ml $50

From $30.00

Drama Free
Drama Free

Designed especially for those who are inverting their true power, leadership and charisma by always focusing on the negative and dramatizing their challenges and tribulations rather than their blessings and positive achievements.   Helps quell the need to be a 'drama queen' to gain attention and sympathy  

Ideal for those who tend to over-react and blow things out of proportion, and those who try to elicit sympathy, attention, and emotional support from others by dramatizing what they are enduring.  Promotes tolerance and non-judgment and supports you as you choose to use your dramatic qualities as positive, inspiring, enthusiastic leadership or in acting/theatre

DRAMA FREE is also helpful for those who associate with negative people and 'drama queens'.  Stops you from taking on other people's dramas, crises, and problems.  DRAMA FREE keeps you from being knocked off balance by dramas and helps you remain neutral in the midst of chaos.  

This essence formula is very helpful for adrenal fatigue and for adrenaline 'addiction' (use for 42-66 days for adrenaline imbalances)


Use 21-66 days to break negative drama habit  

Use for 42-66 days to break adrenaline addiction

30 ml @ $30  ~  60 ml $50


From $30.00

EMF Shield
EMF Shield


Uses nature's wisdom to counteract the detrimental effects of EMF frequencies on the human body!  Flower frequencies sooth the nervous system and calm hyper-alert parasympathetic response  


Use as needed 1-2 times a day      

21 days  30 ml  $30  ~  60 ml @ $50

From $30.00

Empath Attunement
Empath Attunement


A powerfully transforming essence that begins by clearing deep subconscious karmic weaknesses which prevent you from fulfilling your empathic gifts and fully.  The essence then goes on to prompt an inner evolution.  You shift beyond the empathic ability to feel people’s feelings and begin to move deeper to connect at the soul level where you feel and perceive people differently—with deeper compassion, neutrality, and detached understanding.  At the same time as your energy moves outward, you are inwardly stronger, more balanced and stable, and feel secure in your power and protection  


This essence has also demonstrated an ability to clear hexes and curses


Use as needed for up to 7 days at a time

30 ml @ $30  ~ 60 ml @ $50


click on the image or link for more details


From $30.00



Feel the commanding difference between authentic personal power vs control.  This uplifting formula helps to instil confidence and motivation

Feel uplifted as you step into your authentic power.  End the cycle of giving away your power by playing the rescuer or victim.  Shift your energy from worrying about what others will think about you to what you know to be true about yourself.  Stand up for yourself in all situations with compassion, not anger or defensiveness. Take charge of your own path and journey.  Feel more disciplined, assertive, assured, and responsible


21 days + repeat once a month for 3-5 days

30 ml @ $30  ~ 60 ml @ $50

From $30.00

Empowerment Trio
Empowerment Trio


3 powerful essence formulas to help you to become your very best


      . Spiritual Power  helps you to be genuine to your soul.  Allows you to 'walk your talk'  30 ml
     .I Am Deserving  Helps you feel worthy of success and welcoming of help and abundance  30 ml
     .Success  Feel confident, motivated and organized  30 ml


30 ml  $90 value  $80  (Save $10)  ~  60 ml $150 value  $125  (Save $25)

Orig.: From $90.00
Sale: From $80.00

Faith Hope & Trust
Faith Hope & Trust


A lovely gentle essence to assist those feeling dread and hopelessness.  Helpful for those trapped in situations or circumstances they cannot change.  Helps you to feel more positive, optimistic, and not become jaded by those who are thoughtless and insensitive


Use for 21 days.  Repeat for 3-5 days as needed  

30 ml @ $30

From $30.00

Family Karma
Family Karma


An incredibly neutralizing, clearing formula that helps to release the unhealthy echoes of your ancestral history--the cellular memory, negative beliefs, practices, and unconscious habit patterns you learned from your parents and previous generations  

This powerful essence fusion may also clear your own personal karma.  It has also demonstrated to help dissolve family curses, and neutralize karma you have with your family.  Leaves you feeling peaceful and light   


Use for 40-66 days

60 ml $50


see also Karma Clear

From $50.00

Father Issues
Father Issues

Prompts the release and healing of all types of emotional pain surrounding your father, including abuse, abandonment, rejection, and feeling unlovable.  Assists men who are not assertive or have not had a positive male role-model to mentor them.  Assists women who often choose 'unavailable' partners


30 ml @ $30  ~  60 ml @ $50


From $30.00



A general fortifier and womb heal that energetically opens up the pelvic region and releases congested emotional 'cellular memory' that may be preventing you from becoming pregnant  

This essence fusion may help to restore endocrine balance and promote menses.  Do not use if pregnant or nursing


Use for 21 days.  Do not repeat

30 ml @ $30  

From $30.00



The very essence of graceful mind-body-spirit harmony.  Restores flow of universal connection when you feel disconnected, stuck, stalled, blocked, or 'off your game'.  Helps to release resistance, frustration, fear, worry, guilt, and resulting shoulder tension and neck stiffness.  Calms your mood and creates inner balance with energy to act.  Places you in 'the zone' to use the law of attraction 

Flow is also ideal for those days you don't have time to meditate.  It helps you maintain inner balance and universal connectedness


Use as needed   

15 ml @ $15  ~  30 ml @ $30  ~  60 ml @ $50


"I have already noticed an improvement in my mindset and well being from the Flow and Restore essences I have started using."  Holly J  Sarasota FL 


From $15.00



Increases brain hemispheric integration and balance, focus and assuredness. FOCUS reduces stress as it helps place you 'in the moment' to allow processing and integration of your environment  

FOCUS can benefit executives, golfers, athletes, students and those undergoing job interviews.  This essence remedy can also be helpful following stroke or brain injury  


Use for 3-5 days as needed

15 ml @ $15  ~  30 ml @ $30


Children's Focus  (Age 8 and up)   Specify if ordering for children as dosage and instructions will be different

15 ml  @ $15  ~ 30 ml @ $30

From $15.00

Forgive My Past
Forgive My Past


Shifts your perspective of the past and promotes self-accountability.  Allows you to forgive the mistakes of others and recognize your role in past events so you can forgive yourself, as well.  Instills a light heart


 Use for 21 days   

30 ml @ $30


"The essences are very subtle and powerful; couple of dreams bringing up past that I haven't thought about in a long time.  Does appear to be an element of forgiveness around it.  Amazing!  thank you so much"  Caren K  Life Coach  Buffalo NY

From $30.00



A profound gift to yourself!  Promotes forgiveness, acceptance, and inner peace

This essence fusion raises your inner vibration to allow you to gracefully and effortlessly forgive yourself and forgive others.  Discover inner peace in the release of resentment, grudges, anger, indignation, righteousness, and judgment


21 days + repeat once a month for 3-5 days as new situations occur that need forgiveness

30 ml @ $30  ~  60 ml @ $50


This stuff helps! Take it now!"  Daniel O  Pico Rivera CA

From $30.00



A lovely yin essence fusion to support and strengthen your feminine energies and qualities.  A blend of the frequencies of fragrant, evocatively feminine flowers  

The essence of Venus, Aphrodite, Gaia, Goddess and Mother Earth combined.   Deeply grounding and receptive, an opening of subtle intriguing sensual femininity that others can sense and feel within you.  Feels like Gaia with undertones of sensual 'femme fatale' ...seductiveness but with resilient strength


Use for 21 days.  Repeat when desired for 3-5 days

30 ml @ $30


"The last time you sent me Goddess Essence I knew I was on to something. This is my second batch and it seems to be having an even stronger effect … I feel attractive and intriguing!!  But I’m not trying to feel this way, it’s coming from inside of me"  Mychelle W  San Diego CA

From $30.00

Guilt Release
Guilt Release


Effortlessly releases guilt and shame to allow you to be more loving and kind toward yourself.  Allows complete absolution.  Dissolves negative self-talk and feeling bad about yourself.  Helps you feel free and able to set healthy boundaries to not let others take advantage of you.  Allows you to see situations with greater clarity, logic, and a higher perspective so you don't automatically accept blame


Use for 21 days + repeat once a month for 3-5 days to continuously absolve guilt that arises from your interactions and daily life

30 ml @ $30  ~ 60 ml @ $50

From $30.00

Heartbreak Heal
Heartbreak Heal


A beautiful loving essence for those who have experienced a broken heart or painful broken relationship and are finding it hard to move on.  The ideal essence fusion to use following a relationship breakup or heartbreak of any kind!  

Dissolves heartache.  Helps to open your heart again.  Helpful for those who are unable to let go of a past relationship, have been rejected or abandoned, or are afraid to enter another relationship.  Especially helpful when you have ended a relationship, but have unresolved feelings and defensive behaviour that prevents you from having a healthy new relationship


click on the image or link for more details


Use for 21 days   

30 ml @ $30


"It's interesting, I did not understand that forgiveness is a really, really big issue with me until I got 3/4 done with Heartbreak Heal, it's like scales fell off my eyes!"  Mychelle W  California



From $30.00

Heart Speak


Deepens communication with partners and others by allowing you to connect to your deepest thoughts and feelings and communicate them honestly, authentically, and openly.  The revealer of truth in a relationship, you will know exactly what the relationship is.  This fusion allows you to honour the sacred truth of others with graceful responding, even if sadness or disappointment arises

The effects of this essence are cumulative and it needs to be taken by both parties at the same time.  It begins to work most effectively after about 3 days.  

When taken by an individual without a partner/relationship, this fusion opens you to more authentic, heart-centred, eloquent communication that deepens your rapport and allows others to respond more favourably to you


Use for 21 days  repeat for 3-5 days when needed

30 ml @ $30  ~  60 ml @ $50 for couples

From $30.00

The Joy of being your bet self
Highest Self


Supports self-integration.  Helpful when a person, event or conversation throws you off balance and causes you to doubt yourself or tests your self love.  Assists with self-doubt.  Increases grounding and stability.  Magnifies your natural attributes and Divine self.  Re-sets your core to increase self-authority, inner strength, potential, action, and ability to manifest the future you envision 

This essence is a cross between Empowerment, Spiritual Power, My Authentic Self and Success 


Use for 21 days.  Repeat for 3-5 days as needed

30  ml $30  ~  60 ml   $50

From $30.00

Holding My Own Space
Holding My Own Space


Effortlessly hold your balance within a relationship without feeling needy, off balance, or insecure.  Allows you to gracefully ‘soul dance’ with another in a relationship.  Stops the need to cling to a failing or unhealthy relationship.  Helps you be more true to your own needs  

Also ideal for those cling to unhealthy relationships, or who keep being drawn back into a failing or unhealthy relationship

21 days + repeat as needed for 3-5 days   

30 ml  $30  ~ 60 ml  $50  

From $30.00

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Original copyright 2009.  Last updated November 2024.   All rights reserved.  No parts of this website or its contents may be copied or quoted without the express written permission of Lori D'Ascenzo


Enlightened Feelings

Email Us    tel: 1.519.586.2983

located in beautiful Long Point Beach world biosphere, Norfolk County, Ontario  N0E 1M0