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"Abundance is not something we acquire. It's something we tune into." Dr Wayne Dyer
Intelligence and technical skill account for only 25% of success. The other 75% comes from how you process the world. Your attitude, behaviour, beliefs, experiences, enthusiasm, attention, and optimism surrounding money and success determines your outcome. Once you have internal success (waking up each morning happy and feeling a sense of purpose), external success has to follow
The source of the word 'wealth' is 'well-health'--harmony between relationships, career, health, finances, and your spiritual core
The ability to attract and sustain abundance and success is inhibited by negative beliefs and judgments such as complaining, criticism, negativity, and feelings of guilt, resentment, defensiveness, and withholding forgiveness. You can't be miserable and complaining 90% of the time and expect to feel passion and fulfillment! In fact, the frequency of complaining actually counteracts the frequency of abundance!
For example, if you are judgmental or resentful of rich people and believe them to be greedy, miserly, and unethical, your mind will never allow you to be rich, because your values don't want you to be a bad person. You cannot have what you are not willing to become
Women have a very long history of money scarcity and dependence on others. It has been embedded in their DNA for thousands of years. That's why women experience more challenges with achieving wealth and success
Blessings in a bottle! Clears emotional blockages, patterns and limitations that prevent uninhibited receiving of opportunities, goodwill, luck, success, money, and blessings. Opens you to receiving on all levels
"I must say I've had a positive experience with the essences. I got a new job that ended up being better than my last one in many ways. The Abundance essence became very powerful." Alycia W Toronto ON
Stopsstruggle and helps you forge ahead. Attracts luck, goodwill from others, as well as benefits and rewards both tangible and intangible by aligning with your own personal value system
"I purchased Abundance and Open Door to Co-Creation for myself and they have been amazing. They really create a sense that everything "will be just fine" financially. And, that feeling is essential for taking positive action in the world to improve one's situation"Michael G Maine USA
The ability to attract abundance is impeded by feelings of guilt, resentment, defensiveness, or lack of forgiveness. These negative feelings develop as we interact with others each day
To remain clear and ensure lasting abundance, take your remedy for 21 days. Then repeat Abundance for 3-5 days every 4-8 weeks to keep yourself clear and unencumbered #abundance #lawofattraction
21 days + repeat once a month for 3-5 days
30 ml $30 ~ 60 ml $50
"Align to Your Destiny"
To feel truly successful and fulfilled, your life has to reflect your spiritual truth and your passions. When you live out of alignment, your life becomes about struggle and resistance instead of joy and purpose
Inspiration literally means "IN-SPIRITED". When you feel longing, it is your soul trying to tell you something. The place you rationalize you should be is not the place you will find your most heartfelt meaningful purpose in life. You must use your heart--not your head to find your purpose
If you make excuses to justify the work you are currently doing, you are merely negotiating with your sense of integrity. It damages your soul. When you discover your talents and choose your craft, you gain great joy and fullfillment from developing that skill into an art. That is why identifying your passion and purpose is so important
"I have wanted to try Align to Your Destiny for a very long time ... probably since I discovered your essences. Many times while placing an order for everyone, I would add it to the order and then delete it. I was drawn to it but I think I was afraid to take it because I knew deep inside that something would come to the surface. I finally took the essence when I ordered back in May and let me tell you things have been interesting. I have been in banking for over 16 years and although I am grateful for a job, deep down I have known for a while it doesn't make my heart sing. I finally admitted to my family that I needed to make a change. I started applying to office jobs and I started getting offers. I shocked myself and I turned them down. I realized it didn't make me happy to get the offers. So I dug deep and realized I wanted to make my childhood dream of working with children a reality. I started applying at daycare centers to work as a teacher's assistant. I was doubtful they would call me for an interview since I have been doing office work for so many years and I don't have any experience. Turns out, not only did they call me but they offered to train me so I can be a toddler teacher. Incredible!! I am in disbelief and so excited ... God is good !!! Irene R Fairfield CT
Denials in finding your destiny are often merely karmic delays. Sometimes, we need to develop practical life skills before we can go back to the things that we love and what makes our heart sing. Then we can become truly successful and fulfilled. So, if you are now seeking your destiny, then the time has come!
This essence fusion turns up the volume to your own unique calling. It is like an open sail that awakens your longing and draws you to what makes your heart sing and brings true fulfillment ... your destiny and spiritual purpose. Inspiration is the voice of Creator asking to act through you. It helps you find that place of belonging, passion and purpose. Don't hesitate to follow whatever inspires and ignites you
"I absolutely loved the positive effect the spiritual shift (Align to Your Destiny) essence had. It's simply amazing....I can't say enough to describe its powerful effects. The nice thing is that it also seems gentle for enabling such change ...I am noticing I am less resistant to opportunities that in the past I would've been too shy to experience. I am also more trusting that the outcome of things will be more positive. It's effective alright, and you are correct that it keeps working even after you stop using it." Terry M Reiki Master Ft Erie ON
ALIGN TO YOUR DESTINY is like an open sail that draws you to your destiny and spiritual purpose to help you enjoy true fulfillment. It strengthens your will to make choices more in alignment with your highest spiritual intention. It addresses unconscious past life issues and karma that are preventing you from stepping into your destiny, and enables you to receive on all levels. This powerful formula can be life-altering in the shifts it gently helps to facilitate!
"I felt and experienced improvements when using I Am Deserving and have just finished the wonderful Align to your Destiny, which I feel has been the most powerful for me so far." Nina L UK
When you find this purpose and excitement, your personality comes fully to serve the energy of your soul. The result is a powerful clarity, passion and enthusiasm awakening within you. Your life fills with meaning and purpose and you understand why you are alive. You discover your authentic power #findyourdestiny
Don’t forget that finding your calling is only half of the formula. The next step is to instil the drive and ambition to pursue your calling. We recommend SUCCESS, STRENGTH & RESOLVE, EMPOWERMENT or PROACTIVE. The key to becoming successful doing what you love lies in being fully aware of what you really desire as reward for your work. So, always follow up with ‘abundance’ products such as I AM DESERVING, ABUNDANCE, FLOW or SUCCESS and repeat them once a month for 3-5 days to stay open to all that can be yours
Use for 21 days
30 ml $30
"I Feel Blessed"
Grateful literally means "A great fullness"--aka: oneness with God. Gratitude is a spiritual act. You are acknowledging and blessing something or someone outside of yourself
This is an uplifting essence fusion to instil feelings of bliss, joy, blessings and gratitude, and a sense of belonging to 'The All." It allows you to recognize and embrace the blessings present in your life with a calm expectation that things will go your way. Life begins to have a flow, with greater serendipity #gratitude #feelblessed
"I started with Flow for 3 days. Then I moved on to I Feel Blessed for 3 days. And now I am doing Love Magnet. I took Love Magnet only one day before departing to Dubai and then I didn't resume taking Love Magnet again until after I returned home a week later. When I tell you my trip was absolutely amazing and people, things and experiences were magnetically drawn to me, I am not exaggerating. It was magical. Even my best friend who was traveling with me was saying to me that she couldn't understand what or how but I had an energy surrounding me that has these things magnetized to me. She said whatever you are doing keep doing 'cause something is on you." Isis T Annapolis MD
Use 3-5 days as needed
30 ml $30 ~ 60 ml $50
"I Am Deserving"
To open your arms wide to love, success and abundance, you have to feel truly worthy of the blessings, luck, love and opportunities that come to you. That is why 'I Am Deserving' is so important!
It overrides those negative messages you've been receiving from others (and from yourself), that you are flawed or not deserving, and helps to instill self-acceptance, confidence and ease. Think of it as both an empowerment tool and a prosperity tool! #ideservehappiness #opentoreceiving
21 days + repeat once a month for 3-5 days
30 ml $30 ~ 60 ml $50
"Open Door to Co-Creation"
Discover the power of manifestation!
A high frequency essence fusion that opens you to universal oneness. Feel your energetic 'edges' dissolve as you merge with universal oneness to subtly co-create your future. Your creative thoughts rapidly flow into manifestation with ease. There is less resistance to obtaining your goals
"I used the Open Door to Co-Creation for 4 days with a very specific focus, and it worked perfectly. Then, 3 weeks later I used it with no particular focus and what I experienced was a profound gratitude "high." I had profound and deep feeling of gratitude towards everything! It's wonderful" Michael G Maine
This essence will quickly make you aware of the power of larger universal forces that work in partnership with your focus, thoughts, and feelings. A beautiful and awe-inspiring essence fusion
Use with thoughtful deliberation and highest intent for what you wish to create or manifest #manifestation #onewithcreator
Use for 3-5 day intervals every 4-8 weeks as needed
15 ml @ $15 ~ 30 ml $30
The purpose of FLOW is to stop struggle and resistance. It restores the flow of universal connection when you feel disconnected, stuck, stalled, blocked, or 'off your game'. Helps to release resistance, frustration, fear, worry, guilt, and resulting shoulder tension and neck stiffness. Calms your mood, releases feeling stuck or thwarted, and creates inner balance with energy to act. Places you in 'the zone' to use the law of attraction
"I have already noticed an improvement in my mindset and well being from the Flow and Restore essences I have started using." Holly J Sarasota FL
Flow is also ideal for those days you don't have time to meditate. It helps you maintain inner balance and universal connectedness #stopstruggling #gowiththeflow
Use as needed
15 ml $15 ~ 30 ml $30 ~ 60 ml $50
Helps you to feel capable, competent, organized and motivated. SUCCESS creates a compelling, motivating energy that helps you feel like you can achieve anything! Confidence inspires success! #successmagnet #stepintosuccess
21 days + repeat once a month for 3-5 days
30 ml $30 ~ 60 ml $50
Prosperity Pack
A 4-step process to attract abundance and possibilities!
"Thank you for making such a lovely product! I believe I got my current job (which has been a wonderful step for me) as one of the outcomes of completing the Prosperity Pack. I always enjoy feeling the shifts and growth in my life that result from these essences. They help me feel supported." Vanessa B Seattle WA
.I Am Deserving Begin with 'I Am Deserving' to help you feel worthy of having more 30 ml .Abundance Next, remove energetic blockages in your energy field and become open to attracting and receiving blessings 30 ml .Success Then instill motivation, confidence and organization to plan and succeed 30 ml .Open Door to Co-Creation Effortlessly manifest whatever you gently envision 15 ml
$105 value $90 (Save $15)
*Individual bottles of your favourite remedies may be re-ordered in any size
NEW! "Brave New Future"
Helpful for negotiating through unwanted change, in careers, new uncomfortable workplace situations, and forced transitions
Creates excitement, anticipation, and enthusiasm to help you step forward into change or a new situation. Motivates and provides inner strength. Helps you to find creative solutions. Helps to release past ties #bravenewfuture #movingforward
Use for 21-42 days
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50
NEW! "Courage"
Move forward boldly and confidently by dissolving trepidation, fear, and timidness. Feel more grounded, in balance, and able to take charge and handle new situations and challenges #braveryinabottle
21 days. Then as needed
15 ml $15 ~ 30 ml $30
"Spiritual Power"
Instills calm knowing, a firm assurance, resolve, and confidence in your spiritual purpose and chosen life path. Allows you the confidence and grounding to 'walk your talk' in your work and on your spiritual path #spiritualpower #walkyourtalk
Use for 21 days
30 ml $30
A light releasing essence fusion to help dissolve the unconscious blockages that cause you to procrastinate, vacillate, dilly-dally, and sabotage your own positive actions and progress. Suddenly your actions and impulse are awakened, and it becomes effortless to accomplish tasks #beproactive #selfsabotage
Use for 3 days or longer, as needed. Works best after 3 days
30 ml $30
Wisdom is when what you know aligns perfectly with what you feel
INTUITION awakens and enhances intuition and opens 3rd eye. Allows you to trust yourself and be confident in an inner 'knowingness' #listentoyourintuition
Use for 3-5 days when needed
15 ml $15 ~ 30 ml $30
Increases brain hemispheric integration and balance, sharpens focus, and assuredness. Increases calmness, places you 'in the present moment' to allow processing and integration of your environment and situation
Helpful for study, learning, or during competitions that require intense focus and discipline, such as golf #laserfocus
*Our products contain 1 drop of alcohol per dose
Use for 3-5 days as needed
15 ml $15 ~ 30 ml $30 ~ 60 ml $50
"Strength & Resolve"
Creates an 'I can do this" resolve for overcoming inertia, breaking old habits or clearing clutter
Helpful when you just don't have the strength or will to leave that unsatisfying job or bad relationship, or have a lot of work to accomplish #strengthandresolve #innerstrength
Use 1-2 times a day for 3-5 days when needed for daily resolve or 21-66 days for inner strength in breaking bad habits
30 ml $30 ~ 60 ml $50
"Guilt Release"
Guilt and shame are the lowest-frequencies of all emotions. This means they are the most harmful to you! These negative feelings stop your ability to receive or to feel deserving
GUILT RELEASE effortlessly releases guilt and shame--both conscious and unconscious. It dissolves negative self-talk and feeling bad about yourself. Helps you feel free and able to set healthy boundaries so others cannot take advantage of you. Allows you to see a situation with greater clarity, logic, and a higher perspective so you don't automatically accept blame. Most of all, it frees you to effortlessly attract abundance, positive outcomes, relationships and friendships, and helpful people #releaseguilt #dissolveshame
21 days + repeat once a month for 3-5 days
30 ml $30 ~ 60 ml $50
Empowerment Trio
3 powerful essence formulas to help you to perform and achieve your very best:
. Spiritual Power helps you to be genuine to your soul. Allows you to 'walk your talk' and express your true power . I Am Deserving helps you to feel worthy of having more . Success increases confidence, motivation, achievement, and organization
30 ml -- $90 value $80 (Save $10)
60 ml -- $150 value $125 (Save $25)
*Individual bottles of your favourite remedies may be re-ordered in any size
Original copyright 2009. Last updated November 2024. All rights reserved. No parts of this website or its contents may be copied or quoted without the express written permission of Lori D'Ascenzo