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Our vibrationally enhanced living essences work in a different way ... They don't just neutralize negative feelings. They elevate your emotional intelligence! Think of it as 'inner work' ... without the work!
To understand how the energy frequencies of living essences can overwrite your negative emotions AND raise your vibration to a state of positive, empowered being, you first need to understand how your feelings affect you

Each time you have a thought or feeling, an electrical current (sine wave) instantly travels throughout your body via your neural pathways. Chemical proteins called 'neuropeptides' (NP's) release to prompt a physical response in your body
Your cells produce hundreds of different NP's, and they release in different combinations, creating different physiological responses. Hormones, endorphins, adrenaline, cortisol, histamine, and oxytocin are some examples of NP's
So how does your body know which neuropeptides to release? Our proprietary research has demonstrated that each emotion and thought has its own individual frequency!
The emotions of anger, fear and shame all resonate at low frequencies. Long, low wavelengths express a strong amplitude. (think of the base tones in a speaker) That's why you can physically feel these emotions when they resonate throughout your body
Conversely, the emotions of love, gratitude and joy vibrate at a very high frequency. You often feel them high in your chest. These high frequencies feel uplifting, expansive, and joyous. (think of harp, flute, or new age music)
As the electrical charge of a particular emotion rushes along your neural pathways, your body instantly responds with the corresponding neuropeptide. For example, when you experience fear, your cells release adrenaline and cortisol, which causes your heart to beat faster, your blood vessels to dilate, and your muscles to tense. This ensures you respond quickly to danger
But, what if you experience low level fear (stress) over a prolonged period? The effects of constant release of stress NP's becomes detrimental, doesn't it?
That's what happens when you don't acknowledge your emotions. The energy of an emotion doesn't stop just because you ignore it. The electrical charge keeps looping through your neural pathways, releasing NP's that eventually overtax your body. Over time, you begin to experience pain, dysfunction, inflammation, or disease--the result of emotional disharmony
Learn more about how emotions affect your health
Read about the research that proves thoughts and frequencies can reprogram DNA
"Illness cannot stay in a body where there is Light and Love" Vivian Mauro
How can changing your feelings be so EFFORTLESS? Our proprietary research has demonstrated that when you change the frequency of any emotion, the emotion itself has to change to match the new frequency 
This scientific principal opened the door for us to create significantly more effective living essences by vibrationally calibrating them to match the frequencies of positive emotions. In this way we can instil positive emotions to ensure your body releases beneficial neuropeptides
Change the frequency of fear to the frequency of joy, and your body quickly switches from releasing adrenaline to releasing endorphins. It's that simple ... and profound!

When you are in balance, you feel greater joy, clarity, empowerment. Your consciousness is transformed and elevated. You become more open to life, more able to receive
Acting without restrictions, you automatically attract more abundance, happiness, helpful people, healthy releationships, and opportunities. You attract fewer crises and problems. People may even begin to treat you differently, with more respect. Your thoughts, behavior and well-being improve dramatically because you are no longer hindered by negative feelings and beliefs that have been hiding in your subconscious mind
All it takes is just a few drops of living floral frequencies in a glass of drinking water each day. The essences begin to act within minutes. In 3 days the difference can be profound
Quite often you can actually see physical changes in a person who is taking our living floral essences. Tension disappears from the face. The eyes soften and sparkle with light. People may notice that you aren't reacting to situations in the same way as before. Suddenly you see situations from an entirely different perspective
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What kinds of issues or problems can flower frequencies help? Since living flower frequencies raise your internal vibration, you can use them to dissolve all manner of negative feelings and the effects of negative energies in your environment. They can support you when breaking habits or ending relationships. Use our essences to attract love or prosperity, to adapt to change, to clear karma, to protect and clear your energy field. You can also use flower essences to subtly increase your awareness of the mystical or Divine

In fact, you can use our live flower essences for virtually any negative habit pattern, or any emotional situation, past or present. Use our living essences any time you feel negative, out of balance, or need spiritual attunement. Use as in emergencies to counteract emotional shock or trauma. Use our living essences when you feel stuck, when you feel stressed or experience anxiety or depression, or when you want to allow change in your life
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