Suffering from INSOMNIA? Here are more than 16 CAUSES
+ dozens of EASY solutions
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Everyone experiences the odd night when you just can’t fall asleep. But, about 68% of people have regular bouts of insomnia. That’s a very serious health issue when you understand how a healthy brain is supposed to function! Apart from medical disorders such as sleep apnea, there are at least 16 different reasons why people experience chronic or occasional insomnia
Insomnia results when you are habitually unable to shut down your brain at bedtime and fall asleep. Insomnia can result from stress, work overload, excitement and anticipation, nutritional deficiencies, eating habits, hormonal changes, depression, constipation, or simply from bedtime habits
Before you look for a solution outside of your bedroom, begin by eliminating all possible causes
Is your bedroom cluttered? Do you have a television, computer or lots of books in your bedroom? Is there a fan above your bed? These subliminal messages in your environment create stimulation and tell your brain to stay active. Your bedroom should be a place of rest...not work or activity. When you walk into your bedroom, the immediate impression should be that this is a place of safety, rest, relaxation and comfort
Is your bedroom completely dark? Do you keep a nightlight on or curtains open? Light in the bedroom from any source stops your brain from producing melatonin, a chemical that tells your body to go to sleep. You won't sleep as restfully if you are exposed to light. If you cannot block out all sources of light, try wearing a night mask
Is your bedroom too warm? Keep your room 4 degrees cooler at night than in daytime. Cooler temperatures signal your brain to go to sleep. That's why you feel sleepy when you become hypothermic
The most common cause of insomnia is chronic or habitual stress. Stress triggers your body's natural fight-or-flight response, prompting the release of adrenaline and cortisol to prepare you for immediate action. But, if the body is releasing adrenaline and cortisol, it will be in a hyper-vigilant state, and you won't be able to sleep. It will be like drinking several cups of coffee before bedtime
Stress occurs when you feel overwhelmed. The problem feels bigger than you
Many people are unable to ‘turn off their brain’ at bedtime. Thinking and worrying sets in. One way to circumvent 'brain chatter' is to write a list each day detailing what you need to do the following day. In this way your brain can relax knowing that the next day’s planning is already done
When your brain wants to focus on all the details that need your attention, instead create a sensory focus for your mind by playing relaxing music or a guided meditation to induce alpha brain waves. Whisper 'shhhhhhhh' to yourself repeatedly
You may need to send yourself subliminal messages that this is a place of rest and restoration. Soft pillows, cozy blankets, low lighting, beautiful colors—these things create a space for relaxation. Use warm dark colors on the walls. The bedroom should never be used as a workplace or place for entertainment. Nor should it be 'busy' or cluttered
Remove the television, computer, books, and any work-related materials from your bedroom. Work-related objects send subliminal messages to your brain to keep alert for working and planning. Your thoughts are unable to quiet down and remain in the moment
Clear all clutter--even in drawers and closets. Clutter sends a silently scolding message that you still have unfinished business and work to do. Clutter prevents your brain from functioning in an organized manner, and that results in stress and constipation
Another way to take your brain out of logical mode is to do something creative before bedtime. Creativity shifts your brain into alpha state, as does meditation or listening to new age or classical music. It opens you to the first stage of sleep
For stress and 'brain chatter', try 3 spritzes of STRESS BUSTER! your mouth before bedtime. Add a light spritz of STRESS BUSTER on your shoulders and neck to release tension and augment relaxation. You'll feel more relaxed and gently focused in a few minutes
Adrenaline releases during arguments, excitement, or whenever you are feeling unsafe. The most common reason for hyper-adrenal release is watching violent or thriller movies and reality TV shows, or the news
While movies and TV shows may not be real, your brain can’t tell the difference. Stress neuropeptides are automatically released when you see upsetting or scary scenes. Your body and mind remain in an elevated alert state, making it difficult to fall asleep
Take a ‘negativity diet’ by avoiding dramas and suspenseful, violent or thrilling television programs or movies and news reports in the evening. The adrenal stress caused by fear and tension can keep you awake and alert for hours!
If the cause of stress, strife, and insecurity is a domestic situation, appropriate essences such as Divorce Heal, Serenity, or Support maybe the best solution
Adrenaline is also prompted by the consumption of stimulants such as coffee, sugar, and sweets. Paradoxically, sugar and coffee cravings increase during times of stress as an instinctive way to gain energy
Sugar is a neurotoxin. In addition to insomnia, it can cause muscle cramping and spasms and restless leg syndrome, which prevent sleep
In the evening, don't eat foods that contain sugar, tannins, or caffeine, as these are stimulants that release adrenaline, which makes your mind and body more alert
A common cause of insomnia is insufficient fiber in the diet. Studies have shown that increasing dietary fiber by at least 25% can often alleviate insomnia. A couple of bran muffins each day or a dose of magnesium at bedtime can actually help you to sleep!
Dehydration is another cause of insomnia. Emotional toxins release from cells via lymph fluids. You need water both in cells and in lymph fluids. So, if you don't drink sufficient water, you are holding onto emotions unnecessarily
Increase water consumption throughout the day. Paradoxically this will also help to reduce oedema by flushing the lymph system. Drinking a glass of water before retiring at night can often help you fall asleep more readily and helps prevent heart attack
Certain mineral deficiencies can also cause insomnia. In particular electrolytes magnesium, calcium, and potassium are important in relaxing muscles, reducing edema, and aiding digestion, which contributes significantly to better sleep
Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant, especially for the bowels. It helps to prevent muscle spasms and leg cramping, as well as aiding in peristalsis (intestinal function)
Magnesium calms the nervous system. Along with calcium, it alkalizes your body to reduce stress, inflammation and pain. Deficiency causes constipation, stress, restless leg syndrome, as well as insomnia
Before bedtime, try powdered magnesium citrate shaken in water (shaking ionizes the minerals to make them bond with water which increases assimilation). Full spectrum B-vitamins are also helpful in calming you and lowering stress levels. But, take vitamins early in the day
Potassium deficiency can cause anxiety and heart arrhythmia because the cells cannot exchange fluids and are therefore literally starving or suffocating. Potassium deficiency often goes hand in hand with dehydration
The most overlooked cause for sleep deprivation is a lack of vitamin D, which is derived from sunlight. For proper brain function you need both proper nutrients and at least two hours of sunlight directly on the retina of the eyes. In addition you also need at least one half hour of sunlight on the fatty areas of the skin in order for your metabolism to produce vitamin D. (Since sunlight is a fat-soluble vitamin, it requires that fatty parts of your body are exposed to sunlight in order for the vitamin D to be absorbed and utilized)
If you can't expose your skin to natural sunlight, a vitamin D3 supplement of at least 4000 IU’s is required each day. To absorb and utilize vitamin D3 you must take it either with animal fat in your food, with Vitamin K9, or a fish-based Omega 3/6/9 supplement
Pain is a powerful inhibitor of sleep, whether from an injury, toothache, chronic throbbing from inflammation such as arthritis, or an uncomfortable bed and pillow. Lack of sleep from pain or discomfort inhibits your body’s ability to heal and regenerate
Enlightened Feelings offers 3 topical pain relief remedies and many other self-healing essences formulas
Lack of exercise and activity results in too much nervous energy. Ever notice how you sleep better when out in fresh air for a few hours? How can you sleep if you have not exhausted pent-up energy? Exercise prompts the release of endorphins which are powerful natural opiates that relieve pain and induce profound relaxation. When you can’t get outside, supplement with Vitamins C & D, magnesium, and kelp
Poor quality of sleep occurs when there are sleep disturbances in the environment, such as pets on the bed or in the bedroom, a partner who snores, lights shining into the bedroom, noise such as a fan or or traffic passing by. These are factors that can only change by a pro-active decision on your part
Light stimulates the pituitary and thyroid glands, affecting circadian rhythms, which then disrupts production of seratonin and hormones. Serotonin and melatonin are neurotransmitters that help to trigger sleep. They are tied to your body’s circadian rythm which is oriented to the 24 hour day/night cycle. Your body needs the rhythms of daylight and night to function properly
To ensure activation of melatonin, allow no lights whatsoever to filter into the bedroom at night, whether from street lights, clock, television, cell phone, or from a night light. Light signals the brain to stay active and keeps you awake. So, remove night lights and use black-out curtains in your bedroom!
Bad Sleep Habits About two hours after sundown your body naturally wants to go to sleep. Temperatures cool in the evening. As temperatures drop it is another signal to your brain to go to sleep. The opposite occurs in the AM, due to light from sunrise and warming temperatures. So, try to adhere to retiring for bed about 2-2.5 hours after sunset. Lower the thermostat by about 4° at least an hour before bedtime, and program it to increase the ambient temperature 1/2 hour before arising in the morning
Inharmonious feng shui may also be a factor. Feng Shui is the art of creating health and harmony in your environment via subliminal messages
For example, the bedroom should be in the back of the home to create a feeling of safety and security. If a bedroom door or window is left open it can create a feeling of insecurity or lack of safety, as can improper positioning of the bed
For example, when laying in bed, the feet should not point toward the door, but, the bed should be in a commanding position, where you can clearly see the entrance into the bedroom from the bed. The bed should not lie between a window and the doorway. Energy/wind moves between these two portals, and that can disturb sleep. Also, you should not be able to see into any mirror when lying in bed, as it can startle you as you wake up, or make you feel someone else is present
A comfortable bed should be your most careful purchase, as you literally spend 1/3 of your life in bed! Your bed and bed linens should be especially comfortable, spacious, and welcoming so that you actually relish going to bed
EMF radiation and ambient frequencies have become a real problem in the bedroom. Electromagnetic fields cause a stress response in the body, prompting the release of adrenaline and cortisol. This is akin to having a cup of coffee before bedtime—except that it is much more detrimental to your health
The majority of cellular regeneration takes place during deepest sleep, so your body should be protected from stress factors of any kind. Major offenders are televisions, cell phones, and computers. It's not enough to turn these items off. Remove them from the bedroom. If you don't want to remove these items, then purchase EMF shields to neutralize EMF radiation emitted by your devices
Enlightened Feelings offers EMF Shield flower frequency remedy as a effective way to dissolve stressful static in the energy field caused by EMF radiation. It also can act as a stress-relief remedy to help you sleep
For chronic sleeplessness, try RESTFUL. This amazing essence fusion introduces botanical and vibrational frequencies that calm your brain. Used nightly for 3-6 days, the frequencies in RESTFUL are designed to re-train your brain to settle down so that you can fall asleep naturally and awake refreshed
The advantage of RESTFUL is that it is drug-free and natural. You won't feel groggy when you awake, you will be able to awaken in emergencies (such as a fire), and if you awaken to go to the bathroom, you will be able to easily fall back to sleep. After a week or so, you may only need RESTFUL occasionally (unless you are under severe on-going stress)

During sleep your brain waves should cycle through 3 stages or levels ... alpha (dream state) 7.8 - 11 htz ... delta 4 - 7.8 htz ... theta (deep sleep to facilitate cellular repair) 1.8-4 htz. If you do not reach a deep theta sleep, your body cannot regenerate itself and you will age more quickly and your health will decline. If you do not dream, you cannot process your experiences or solve problems
Your brain should cycle through all of these 3 levels at least 3-4 times per night. Each cycle should take about 1.5 hours. Pharmaceutical sleep aids generally drop your brain waves down into delta and theta and hold you in that state all night long. This is dangerous. For one thing, you won't wake up in an emergency, such as a fire. And, you will awake stressed and tired because you haven't solved your problems
We tested RESTFUL at a sleep apnea clinic. It outperformed pharmaceutical sleep aids. Brain wave analysis showed that RESTFUL began to normalize sleep brainwaves starting on the first night of use. By the 3rd night, sleep quality was excellent. Participants found they dreamed more and experienced less stress due to an increased ability to solve problems
See more stress-relieving essence fusions
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