Emotions & Your Mind -- How Damaging Beliefs Begin
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Did you know happiness, joy and peace is your natural state?
Here's a secret ... Happiness is not an elusive something you have to strive for or achieve. It's actually your natural state of being
The problem is that you have been constantly taught and conditioned to accept feeling unhappy. ... from your own observance or others' feelings and and interactions, from what your parents and teachers taught you, from television, movies and books ...

That negative false information is now overshadowing your happiness
In fact, because of what others have taught you and what you have observed during your life, you may have mistakenly come to believe that's just how life is. You have learned it is not OK to ask for what you need, that you must settle for less than you really want. You have learned to make choices that fall short of happiness
In reality, it is the accumulation of what you have learned that is now holding you back from being truly happy
The Secret Life of Emotions ... Here's how your beliefs have come to be a part of you ....
Humans learn best by experience because the brain uses algorithms to establish patterns. In fact, AI computers were modelled after the human brain!
Patterns allow us to think, function, and act without having to invoke conscious thought. In other words, the brain creates habits as a way to use less energy
Positive and negative feelings are the internal mechanism you use to decide what is good or bad. Happiness is the feeling you have when your needs are being met and you are in balance
Beginning in infancy, your rational mind makes judgments about your experiences based on your perceptions of pain or pleasure. Your personal experiences and feelings are subjective. But, experiences act as evidence. So, you believe them to true
That is why by the age of 5 a child decides what they must do in order to survive
Negative beliefs are especially powerful because they stem from your motivation for survival--your fundamental desire to avoid pain and stay safe. It is from your early childhood experiences that most of your attitudes, fears, inhibitions and self-limitations develop. From that very young age you adopt a life-long 'belief' about love and how the world is
That's why childhood experiences often become re-enacted in adult relationships, at work, and in your lifestyle, even though they are uncomfortable or painful. There is security in what you already know and expect
"The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken" Warren Buffet
For example ...
• The adult child of an alcoholic will often choose an alcoholic or addictive partner
• A child who lives with criticism and a perfectionist parent will grow up to be controlling, a perfectionist, and/or an over-achiever. The underlying belief will be 'You have to be perfect in order to be lovable'
• A child who lives constantly with fear and insecurity will grow up to feel uneasy in the absence of stress, and will feel bored, restless, apathetic, or at a loss unless chaos, problems and drama are present
• A child who is abandoned by a parent will grow up to choose 'unavailable' partners who are unable to fulfill their emotional needs. The underlying subconscious belief is 'I am not lovable. But, if I can make this person love me it will prove I am lovable'
There are 7 emotional wounds that can leave deep and lasting scars and keep you locked in destructive behaviour patterns or even harm your health ...
abandonment ~ betrayal ~ guilt ~ shame ~ injustice ~ rejection ~ fear

When you experience one of these traumatic emotional wounds your mind develops negative personal 'truths' which then govern your reactions, choices and decisions, and will continue to do so throughout your life
It doesn't take long before your life is filled with personal limitations and imbalance ... can't trust ... can't forgive ... don't risk ... must become perfect to be loved ...
In addition, North American culture and technology has conditioned you to ignore your feelings with distraction. "Stop crying or I will give you something to cry about." (punishment for showing feelings) or "You should look on the bright side.” (ignore or negate your feelings) or "Don't cry honey, Here, have a cookie" (substitute or distract your feelings with food) or “Look like this (or buy this) and you will be happy.”
As a result, you may have lost touch with what you truly need and how you truly feel. You have learned to substitute food, beauty, and other material things for emotional comfort and fulfillment. But, that's not good, because emotions serve a very important function that you are ignoring!
Learn why you have emotions ...
Here are a few examples of common self-limiting mental patterns along with the emotional wounds that first created these patterns ...

- no risk because you might not succeed (fear of humilation or criticism)
- perfectionionism or maintaining the perfect image (fear of rejection or criticism)
- narcissism (fear of criticism, rejection, or abandonment)
- low self-esteem (fear of rejection, humiliation, abandonment, criticism, or betrayal)
- money problems (fear of rejection--if I am rich or successful, people won't like me, fear of judgment--I won't be able to handle the responsibility, guilt and self-punishment--I don't deserve it)
- relationship problems (fear of abandonment, rejection, injustice, betrayal, humiliation)
- under-achiever, failure or invalid (fear of abandonment--I can never be deserted, I cannot pose a threat, I will always be nurtured and cared for)
Your life, your reality, cannot change until you change your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions. Until then, your circumstances and experiences will keep repeating over and over again
You must ask yourself "What is it going to take for my life to change?"
That's where we can help!
And the best part is, the solution feels effortless!

Your life as it could be ...
- Respond to life in more positive ways
- Feel more serenity and ease in life
- Gain healthy self-esteem and confidence
- Attract more good things into your life
- Have healthy, satisfying relationships
- Align with your true destiny
- Neutralize the 'buttons' that people push
Re-training a neural network means feeding the network the data it needs to generate positive outcomes. That is exactly what the EF essence fusions do!
Enlightened Feelings living flower frequencies elevate your vibration and hold it at this higher frequency to allow you to discover and break through your own limiting beliefs and awaken to greater possibilities and potential. From your first essence fusion remedy you will begin to discover effortless change that begins at the very core of your energetic being and moves through your whole body, mind, auric field, and outward into your life. Major lifelong issues suddenly begin to resolve, and limitations dissolve
How the essence fusions work ...
Are you ready to let go of the past? Gain the freedom of walking unencumbered through the world. A happier, more fulfilling life begins here, right now, with a choice. Simply choose happiness. Take your first step to inner peace ...
Your new life is waiting!! ...
View our life-changing live flower frequency remedies