Enlightened Feelings Living Flower Essences


Making Peace With Childhood, Family and Painful Past


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What is your childhood wound that needs to be healed?  ...

Neglect ... abuse ... criticism ... punishment ... shame ... trauma ... bullying ... lack of nurturing ... abandonment ... sexual abuse ... scarcity ...


Memories stem from how something made you FEEL.  That is why the past carries such a powerful influence on you!

What you feel about what you experienced becomes your personal story that shapes everything about you and influences every aspect of your life--what you believe, how you react, the choices you make, the partners you choose, the level of happiness you feel  



Everyone has a chapter that your don't read out loudAre you ready to let go of the negative emotional experiences that have hurt you, created trauma, affected your relationships, or made you angry, unforgiving, and resentful?  Are you willing to nurture yourself with those things that truly benefit you and feed your heart and soul? 

Our transformative essence fusions are designed to help you effortlessly transcend the harmful scars of your family past, whether it is childhood sexual or physical abuse, feeling neglected, rejected, abandoned, shamed and criticized, bullied, or bereft of love and nurturing.  Our formulas are carefully selected and extensively field tested to ensure efficacy across a broad range of related situations and personality types

Use our living flower essence fusions to support you through making peace with your past, healing your family issues, getting 'unstuck', dissolving family relationship tensions, and releasing the effects of traumatic or challenging experiences

Our essence remedies will invoke clarity, subtle shifts toward inner peace, and lead you on an inner journey deep within your core to discover hidden truths and healing 'ahah! moments.  Your heart and mind gently and effortlessly evolve into balance, acceptance, and peace  

Instructions are provided with each essence order.  We recommend starting with a control release formula before taking an emotional healing remedy to help make your emotional release faster and more effortless


see also essences for Trauma

see also essences for self-nurturing



Confused or overwhelmed about which essence remedy to choose?   Guide to Your Feelings recommends the ideal essence fusions for your particular needs    


Need our assistance?  We offer accurate testing when you just can't decide which transformational essences are best for you.  We will pin-point the essence fusions that will be most helpful for your personality and needs.   We also offer accurate custom testing for those whose emotional needs are unique or more complex


Want to do it yourself?  Check out our NEW Testing cards to help you choose the ideal essence fusion for your needs



Control Release"Control Release"

Healing starts from surrender.  You can't change your life if you fight the truth.  Resistance only causes more struggle.  Instead, you must relax, let go, and let the truth break you wide open  

Control issues are subconscious.  You may not even be aware of these defence mechanisms, because they develop at a very young age to help you avoid emotional pain and disappointment  

Control suppresses your feelings and choices, keeping a lid on painful memories and experiences.  These defensive behaviour patterns can prevent flower essences from working as effectively as they should.  Every time an essence fusion begins to release buried emotions and thought patterns, your brain wants to intercede and stop the process to protect you from anticipated discomfort or pain



CONTROL RELEASE ensures much better results with our trauma-release living flower essences!Control Release addresses fear-based control issues.  It effortlessly dissolves judgment, criticism, perfectionism, security issues, and other control issues that prevent an effortless release of your deeply held emotional issues 

"Thank you for the gift of these beautiful flower essences.  They are doing their magic and I am beginning to dream again which I haven't done for years!  Uncomfortable but the Control Release is releasing through dreams the painful feelings around my ex that I had suppressed"   Suzanne A

Control Release is a very useful essence fusion to take before beginning an emotional healing remedy for a deep-seated issue of the past.  It allows you to let go of the defensive control strategies you developed in childhood when you experienced any of the following:  criticism, abandonment, a perfectionist parent, alcoholic or mentally ill parent, dysfunctional home, frequent relocation, foster care, abuse or rape, or family breakup


Use for 21-66 days

30 ml @ $30  ~  60 ml @ $50 

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Abandonment Heal

"Abandonment Heal"  

Releases and overwrites feelings of loss, sorrow, heartache, emptiness, and feeling unloved or unlovable that results from being rejected or abandoned.   Eases your grief and helps you find acceptance and inner peace  

Helpful for a childhood abandonment by a parent, relationship breakup, marriage breakup, absentee parent, or death of someone significant to you  

ABANDONMENT HEAL is also helpful for those who fear rejection


Use for 21-66 days

30 ml @ $30  ~  60 ml @ $50


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Deep Wounds of Childhood"Deep Wounds of Childhood"

Childhood issues are especially painful and negatively impact your life in many ways.  By the time you are 5 years old you have already decided what you need to do to survive in this world.  Every decision you make as an adult stems from these formative years    

Until you heal the wounds of your past, they will continue to ooze through and stain every aspect of your life.  You can only temporarily assuage the pain with food, alcohol or drugs  

This profound essence fusion offers the means to step out of your history, forgive, and finally be free.  It prompts the release and healing of all types of childhood pain, including abuse, abandonment, and bullying.  Helps you make lasting peace with your past


"I can see life and my life from a different point of view without so much interference. I found myself forgiving on a deeper level and in the process releasing un-forgiveness from places in my body where it had gotten stored/stuck"  Margie D


Releasing the past can be a little emotionally uncomfortable for a day or two while you are purging and processing all the long suppressed damaging experiences of your childhood.  But, it is very short-lived, and on the other side is peace from all the loss, rejection, disappointment, and pain of your past


"I took the drops in the morning as directed.  The next morning I woke up with a dream still in my mind, where I was standing in a long hall, my goal was at the other end of the hall, and there was a mountain of junk between me and my goal.  The next minute the mountain of junk had been parted like the Red Sea, junk on either side, some of it gone, but a clear path from where I was standing to my goal, and the understanding that I could just walk the path to my goal, or I could let the junk distract me, I could let the junk pull my focus back to it, and not be focused on the goal, free will, my choice.  Every morning that week I woke up with dreams that were stuff to be cleared, which I sent into the Sacred Fire, and the next week the dreams were no longer clear in my mind, like they were just being cleared themselves, as I had built up some momentum.  Happier now than 2 weeks ago for sure ..."  Heather H  Allan SK CA


For traumatic childhood abuse, you should select our 60 ml (42 day) remedy  or a secondary essence fusion such as ForgivenessSexual Abuse Release, Trauma Release, or I Am Not a Victim

If you experienced constant insecurity and fear or a judgmental, perfectionist parent, you may need to take Control Release prior to beginning this essence  

We recommend taking a nurturing essence fusion such as 'BE KIND TO YOURSELF' following or concurrent with this essence to soften any temporary emotional discomfort and provide gentle comforting self-nurturing

Try Sweet Innocence after this essence to return your beautiful soul essence  


Use for 21-42 days  

30 ml @ $30  ~  60 ml @ $50   

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Mother Healing

"Mother Healing"

Your first sense of belonging and nurturing comes from your mother and your family.  Home is the first place you learn to get your needs met (or not met)

Children who are left to cry instead of being picked up and held, quickly learn that asking to get their needs met doesn't work.  They carry this harmful belief into adulthood 

When you are unhealed with respect to your mother, you will feel unlovable and unable to accept or receive nurturing and love from others.  You may not know how to nurture yourself or your children in healthy emotionally fulfilling ways.  Breast and ovarian cancer and miscarriage commonly points to unhealed mother issues

Other signs of mother wounds include difficulty setting boundaries, lack of love for your body, feeling threatened or competitive with other women, minimizing yourself or avoiding your true potential, accepting abuse or poor treatment, playing a role, people pleasing, or unable to connect with your true self


MOTHER HEALING releases, heals, and overwrites long-held emotional pain, anger, resentment, unwillingness to forgive, unrequited love, rejection, abandonment, longing for nurturing, and other negative feelings associated with unhealed mother or mothering issues, as well as ALL important female relationships in your life, including sisters or lesbian relationships

This nurturing, comforting essence fusion is also helpful with healing all kinds of estranged or challenging relationships with women, including sisters.  It gently heals your negative perceptions, experiences, and dynamics with your mother and any significant nurturing relationships in your life  

MOTHER HEALING also eases your own struggles and insecurities as a mother and nurturer.  It may be helpful in allowing you to be less judgmental of yourself as a mother, and more nurturing and loving toward yourself  


"I feel really great today... calm... nurtured & mostly not looking for food.  I really feel satisfied.  My heart feels sooo full & I didn't take anything else today.  Yesterday spent a beautiful day with my mom ...  it was lovely & she was soooo loving..♥️♥️  Truly a beautiful remedy ... Mother Healing"   Mary Rose D  Woodbridge ON 


Mother Healing allows you to transcend your past and see your challenging feminine relationships from a higher perspective. When you change, your relationships and everything else in your life begins to shift in positive ways


I began taking the remedy with the idea that despite working on my relationship with my mother, who was abusive in my childhood, that I still had old feelings and responses to her to clear.  Soon after taking the remedy I noticed that she was being a lot softer with me and I felt really happy rather than nervous or anxious talking with her. When I finished the remedy it was almost as if a magic spell had been cast on both of us as there was no longer any animosity or tension in our communication and relationship. The changes here are dramatic and striking. Most importantly, what seemed impossible before in our relationship had now become possible! Thank you for making this incredible shift in my life take place"  Kristina P  Bellingham WA



Use for 21-66 days

30 ml @ $30  ~  60 ml @ $50   

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Father Issues"Father Issues"

Your father is largely responsible for teaching you how to relate to others, and how to have relationships.  When you experience abandonment, or feel unloved, rejected, or ignored by your dad, or if you have conflicts with your father or witness negative ways your mom is treated by your dad, it can impact the way you view relationships and authority figures   

Childhood experiences can teach you to accept abuse, feel unlovable, become a victim, or have challenges with male authority figures such as your boss.  When you are unhealed in respect to your father, you may believe the universe is un-generous


Your relationship with your father also determines your social skills.  Father issues are often the root cause of social anxiety, because your father teaches you how to move outward into the world, interact with others, and have relationships and partnerships.  You may not be able to assert yourself in healthy ways or move into your true potential  

A child who grows up with an absent father is more likely to feel shy, inhibited, and experience stress during social interactions.   Studies show that those with unhealthy or absent father relationships are also much more likely to develop social anxiety  

Boys who lack a wise mentor and strong father image will grow up not knowing how to be appropriately assertive, successful, and may lack ambition or belief in themselves and not feel entitled to be successful.  They may not know how to have healthy relationships


Father issues especially impact the lives of women, because a father is a girl's first experience with male love.  Issues with daddy or feeling abandoned can cause a woman to believe she is unlovable, undeserving, or that she must earn love  

Unresolved father issues can cause you to unconsciously transfer your daddy issues to all the men in your life.  So, you'll keep sabotaging yourself by choosing unsuitable or 'unavailable partners' such as married men, 'troubled' or alcoholic men, aloof or abusive men, or older men.  Or you may have a pattern of running away from relationships and interactions before you can be abandoned or rejected again  


This profound essence fusion can be life-altering as it helps you process and understand your relationship with your father and the men or authority figures in your life.  FATHER ISSUES prompts the release and healing of all types of emotional pain surrounding your father, including abuse, abandonment, estrangement, lack of healthy mentoring, and rejection  

This essence fusion often brings startling realizations into conscious awareness ('aha moments') that can re-frame your whole outlook in positive ways.  It also releases unhealthy attitudes toward authority and stepping into your own power


We recommend an empowering self-esteem essence fusion  or lovely nurturing essence fusion to follow this essence fusion


Use for 21-42 days.  Repeat if needed

30 ml  $30  ~  60 ml  $50

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Family Karma"Family Karma"

Research shows that pessimism and unhappiness may actually be in your genes!  In fact, mental and emotional patterns can go back at least 7 generations.  But, your own thoughts also program your DNA  

All negative energy and unhealthy beliefs that we have inherited are there because they are looking for resolution and healing.  You can be the one that changes the future for yourself and your family by resolving old negative beliefs, attitudes and experiences that have been passed from generation to generation to you (especially through your maternal side)  

This incredibly neutralizing, clearing formula helps to release the unhealthy echoes of your ancestral history--the cellular memory, negative beliefs, practices, and unconscious habit patterns you learned from your parents, culture, and previous generations.  So, you can be the one to reverse genetic 'karma'! 


"I never understood the impact family karma had on my life and just how much I was held back by it. Until I started taking Family Karma.

To my amazement not only was there a shift in my life, but I could see that shift taking place with family members. To say that we did not always see eye to eye, would be the understatement of the century. Suddenly people I thought would never change for the better, were taking active steps to do just that. Family Karma has radically improved my relationships with family members."  Lisa L  Winsdor ON


This essence fusion may also clear your own deeply imbedded personal karma from past lives and early childhood experiences.  These inherited patterns can be very resistant to release 

FAMILY KARMA has also demonstrated to help dissolve generational family curses   

Use for 40-66 days.  40 days or longer is recommended.  Can be challenging during release phase.  But, leaves you feeling peaceful and light once the release is complete 


60 ml @ $50

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Forgive My Past

"Forgive My Past"

Sometimes your past is more about perception than reality.  You may not have all the facts, especially if you were young or self-focused at the time

This essence fusion helps shift your perspective and perception of the past.  Allows you to forgive the mistakes of others and recognize your own role in past events so you can forgive yourself, as well.  Instills a light heart


"The essences are very subtle and powerful; couple of dreams bringing up past that I haven't thought about in a long time.  Does appear to be an element of forgiveness around it.  Amazing!  thank you so much"  Caren K  Life Coach  Buffalo NY


Use for 21 days

30 ml  $30  

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Drama Free


"Drama Free"

Studies show that children who grow up in stressful or chaotic home environments become 'addicted' to stress neuropeptides such as adrenaline.  In fact, your body becomes so conditioned to a constant flow of these stress hormones that it feels vaguely uncomfortable during calm periods when there are no crises in your life

Your brain will do whatever it can to restore its adrenaline fix.  You may start to feel short-tempered and over-reactive.  Or, you will begin to crave stress-inducing foods, such as coffee, sugar, chocolate, or junk food.  You might become a 'drama queen', attracting crisis into your life.  It's NOT a hormonal imbalance--it's an adrenaline addiction!  That's why these types of stress-inducers may actually feel calming or satisfying to you    


Drama Free is a natural antidote to adrenaline addiction.  It is very helpful for overcoming adrenal fatigue and for stopping habituation (addiction to adrenaline or stress)  (use for 42-66 days for adrenaline imbalances)    

Drama Free keeps you from being knocked off balance by family 'dramas' and helps you remain neutral in the midst of chaos--your own, as well as chaos created by others. It helps dissolve your negative perspective and negative expectations.  It also inhibits you from taking on other people's dramas, crises, and problems.  


Use 21-66 days to break negative/drama habit  

Use for 42-66 days to break adrenaline/stress addiction


30 ml  $30  ~  60 ml  $50

Order Drama Free





Sexual Abuse Release"Sexual Abuse Release"

Promotes gentle psychological healing after traumatic physical and emotional violation such as rape, incest, assault or abuse of authority.  Suitable for any kind of physical trauma to the body (including traumatic accidents), where emotional trauma becomes energetically 'stuck'  

Effectively releases trauma 'memory' from tissue in the body where it is being stored.  Overwrites the emotional trauma to gradually restore wholeness and well-being


"I have just finished the Sexual Abuse Release and over the 7 weeks have experienced a significant and what feels like miraculous reduction in the bladder pain, soreness, burning, frequency, cramps and urgency. I would say it's about 90% better now. I still have to keep acidic drinks to a minimum, but can go about my life much more normally and sleep. Bless you for the work you do."  NL UK


Long-held or childhood physical trauma requires at least 42 days to dissolve completely.  Because of the intensely physical experience of the emotional trauma, we want you to know that you may  actually feel where in your body you have stored your trauma as it releases


"On the very first night I felt other energies leaving me (felt like they had been feeding off and taking my energy).  On the 6th day my body started to ache and would return over and over. Took a while for this to leave.  Boundary issues kept visiting me again and again giving me adequate practice!"  Meghan D  SC


Recommended to use contraceptives following this essence.  Has demonstrated to help energetically increase possibility of pregnancy by releasing the traumatic mental and emotional blockages that prevent conception


We recommend taking Sweet Innocence or Be Kind to Yourself after completing this remedy


42 days  60 ml @ $50

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Sweet Innocence


"Return to Innocence"

A helpful essence fusion when childhood trauma, abuse, or neglect has crushed your beautiful, carefree inner child within and caused you to become jaded.  A gentle sweet restoring of child-like purity and innocence 

This essence is recommended after taking one of our childhood trauma-release essence fusions


Use for 21 days  

30 ml @ $30

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My Authentic Self"My Authentic Self" 

One of our greatest fears is "if you really know me you will not love me."  That false perception starts in your childhood

MY AUTHENTIC SELF helps you to distinguish the projections of others about who you are, from the clear image of your true and authentic self.  It helps you see that others' perceptions have nothing at all to do with who you are  


"OMG!  This is marvelous.  Other people need to know about this!  It's like pieces of me are being extracted for me to fully observe."  Laurie W  Thorold ON


Your entire life falls out of alignment when you aren't being the real you.  Not being your true self results in loneliness even when with others, unfulfilling relationships, low self esteem, and never getting your needs met

This important essence fusion gently integrates and reconciles all aspects of self to help you feel confidently happy with yourself without being concerned about what others think.  It allows you to be honest with yourself and others, to tell the truth, and live in truth, especially when boundaries are crossed.  It helps you to gain a strong, fully self-integrated, confident, authentic self.  It helps you to be able to set boundaries and hold your own space


"I feel like I have achieved the honesty I was looking for, I am feeling like I have made the shift & am consciously (& unconsciously) working towards being my authentic self. I have found the motivation & am walking through the path of uncertainty & have exciting plans in place.."  Kelly K  Ft Erie ON  



MY AUTHENTIC SELF is also very helpful for those who don't want to face or accept their negative qualities or 'shadow side'.  It helps you be true to your soul, true to your feelings.  This can be life altering!  


"Throughout the days I was taking it, I fell in love with myself. I am important and I matter. I am amazed with myself now and how I respond and feel about things. What other people say, those that bother me before, does not have much weight now. The thoughts of others, those that I assume they have of me, do not matter. I feel good about me. It feels good to be detached from useless thoughts and emotions. I'm excited to move on to other flower essences and become a better me in the process. I'm grateful to have found you and your flower essences. It's a wonderful blessing.”  Maria G  Oxnard CA 


This is the ideal essence for those who learned in childhood to hide their true feelings or true self in order to keep the peace, and have become 'people-pleasers' who compromise their own needs in order keep others happy  


21 days + repeat once a month for 3-5 days

30 ml  $30  ~  60 ml $50

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Also available in Empowerment Trio






Mother & Child Bond

"Mother & Child Bond"

This gentle essence fusion helps counteract postpartum emotions, or rejection of a child.  Assists with forming new emotional bonds, such as with adoption  

The gentle frequencies of this essence can help create and strengthen a bond between mothers who reject their babies.  It is also ideal for orphaned or foster children, helping them to develop emotional bonds with a surrogate parent and to feel loved and secure 

Instills a loving, protective urge and promotes healthy emotional bonding between mother and child.  Ideal for adoptions and foster care.  Also helps with post partum, or when mother and infant have been separated, such as hospitalization, parental visitation order, or foster care


Use as needed for 3-5 days or up to 21 days

For babies and small children, simply add a few drops to bathwater 


30 ml @ $30

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Divorce Heal

"Divorce Heal"

Neutralizes ALL types of challenging contentious family relationships including parent-teen!  Not just for divorce!  

This neutralizing essence fusion is helpful for healing the pain, anger and resentment of any type of relationship that has caused animosity, negative feelings, and inability to communicate in a loving way.  Try it for soured mother-daughter relationships!

Dissolves rejection, animosity, blame, judgment, rancour, and other negative emotions, no matter what the relationship.  Helps you forgive, accept, heal, and let go of the past  


"I absolutely loved the Divorce Heal flower essence. Thank you SO much!"  Julia VN  Hamilton ON


Use for 21-66 days as needed

30 ml @ $30  ~  60 ml @ $50


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You can't change your family or your family dynamics!  You can only try to find peace within the chaos and dissension

SERENITY allows acceptance and making peace with past, present, and people you cannot change.  Promotes letting go, adaption, grace, and stops persistence of negative feelings.  Helps you to surrender and accept whatever and whomever cannot be changed.  Allows you to move on without bitterness.  Helpful when you can forgive but still feel the hurt and animosity of wrongs done to you


"I have a sense of peace like I never had in this lifetime. Yes I’m not ok with what happened … However I myself as a person feel so much better. Even the people around me have changed. Everyone around me seems to treat me with a higher sense of respect. I don’t fear being harmed by others. And now I know why I was always having dreams about returning to school and falling behind. It was simply a subconscious message that I had unfinished business that required my attention. Also I know what that hidden hurt was that randomly tried to come out at times. Also my lifelong forehead tension has gone away."  Daniel O  CA


Use for 21-66 days

30 ml @ $30  ~  60 ml @ $50

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Karma Clear"Karma Clear"

A very powerful clearing and purging remedy that leaves you feeling free and unencumbered.  Dissolves the negative effects from your past  

KARMA CLEAR overwrites guilt, karmic debt, unforgiven past experiences, and unhealthy energetic ties to those from your past.  It can even reach into past lives when needed 


"All I can say is “WOW!” This is some powerful stuff. Since day one so many changes have been happening in my life and they’re all good."  Daniel O  Pico Rivera CA


By clearing your energy field of the threads of karmic attachments, Karma Clear can sometimes help to clear hexes or curses.  Leaves you feeling clear and unimpeded


Use for 21 days.  Repeat for 3-5 days once a month to dissolve new karma before it begins to negatively impact your life

30 ml @ $30  ~  60 ml @ $50

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The most debilitating source of pain is the struggle to forgive.  We want to hold people accountable for what they did to us

But that keeps us karmically bound to them.  If we don't forgive and let it go, the energy stays within us and will continue to look for punishment or resolution, even into future incarnations

When you are unable to forgive--whether because the perpetrator refuses to acknowledge or apologize for the wrong, or you refuse to forgive and move on--something strange happens.  Your brain begins to believe YOU are the one who is at fault.  You begin to take on the guilt and burden as your own


Forgiveness is the act of relinquishing longing for the past to be different than it is, and giving permission to yourself to let go and move on.  The true purpose of forgiveness is to stop allowing whatever that person did to have power over your choices and how you live your life.  Forgiveness gives you freedom


"The first day I took forgiveness I double dosed it. That night I had a spectacular vision there was a large crowd of humanoid beings that were freely walking out of a prison that held all the people I could never forgive. I mean even someone that gave me a nasty look as a child I never forgave. I mean there was a huge mob almost looked like the terra cotta statues that were found in China. However it’s early and there are more deeply held persons that require my forgiveness. This stuff helps! Take it now!"  Daniel O  Pico Rivera CA


FORGIVENESS is a profound gift to yourself!  It promotes acceptance, inner peace, and release of your past history

This essence fusion raises your inner vibration to allow you to gracefully and effortlessly forgive yourself and forgive others.  Discover grace and inner peace in the release of resentment, grudges, anger, indignation, righteousness, and judgment


21-42 days + repeat once a month for 3-5 days as new situations occur that need forgiveness 

30 ml @ $30  ~  60 ml @ $50  

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Self Forgiveness

"Self Forgiveness"

"The importance of forgiveness cannot be stated strongly enough.  If you carry around thoughts of shame about what you've done in the past you're weakening yourself both physically and emotionally"  Dr Wayne Dyer

Anyone with a higher level of conscience and integrity will carry the heavy weight of emotional baggage from all the mistakes you believe you have made, all that you have not forgiven regarding the acts of others, as well as guilt that rightfully does not even belong to you  

When others refuse to apologize for their actions, your brain may begin to believe the blame lies with you, and will accept the guilt as your own, resulting in self-sabotage

 This lovely essence promotes gentle self forgiveness and inner peace.  Releases self-recrimination, self-judgment and grudges against self.  Helps you to feel more loving toward yourself 


21 days + repeat once a month for 3-5 days

30 ml  $30  ~  60 ml  $50 

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Guilt Release

"Guilt Release"

When someone causes harm or inflicts pain and does not accept responsibility and apologize or atone for their actions, quite often the victim will take on a sense of guilt, subconsciously rationalizing that they must be responsible or to blame for what happened.  This type of guilt-conditioning begins in childhood and often occurs in parent-child and other family relationships

Feelings of guilt or shame can cause you to sink into self-destructive behaviour.  Dividing self into judge, criminal and punisher causes feelings of separation, isolation, loneliness, and feeling unloved or misunderstood 

GUILT RELEASE provides atonement (at-one-ment) by fostering self-forgiveness and inner peace.  Effortlessly releases guilt and shame.  Dissolves negative self-talk and feeling bad about yourself and your mistakes 

Helps you feel free and able to set healthy boundaries to not let others take advantage of you.  Allows you to see situations with greater clarity, logic, and a higher perspective so you don't automatically accept blame


   21 days + repeat once a month for 3-5 days

30 ml @ $30  ~  60 ml @ $50 

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Dissolving Anger

"Dissolving Anger"
Feelings of anger or outrage are meant to alert you to an occurrence of injustice or absence  of fairness. When recognized, anger can prompt you to take action!  In fact, anger is un-harnessed assertiveness!  
But, inappropriate anger can erupt as a self-defence mechanism when the ego is bruised, or defensive avoidance of accepting the truth.  When uncontrolled, misdirected, or used inappropriately to control or coerce, anger can negatively affect your life and your relationships.  It can also damage your health, since anger obstructs the liver!
You need to achieve a state of calm neutrality so that you can sort out the how and why of your anger and what you are really feeling.  DISSOLVING ANGER quickly and effortlessly dissolves feelings of rage, anger, animosity, road rage, impatience, frustration, vengeance, even when those feelings have been long-held.  You simply cannot feel angry with this essence!  Quickly transforms anger into lightness and joy
"Imagine a huge ocean where the sound of a huge explosion is heard deep under water. Then moments later all kinds of crap surfaces. That’s how this essence has effected me. Old crap that was deep has been brought to light. And now I’m given the opportunity to examine and release."  Daniel O  Pico Rivera CA
Use for 21 days for long-held anger and feelings of injustice.  Use for 3-5 days whenever needed to quell occasional outbursts of anger 
 30 ml @ $30 

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Asthma and breathing issues often show up in childhood because of a deep-seated pre-existing unconscious belief such as 'I don't deserve to be here' or 'I am a burden to others'.  This negative belief that you don't have a right to even exist can inhibit a child's ability to take in life-sustaining breathe


"Since I started taking Breathe I have noticed my allergy and asthma attacks are less severe and I rarely need my puffer.  I  just finished shoveling a huge pile of snow after the big storm we had.  My breathing is normal!  This is the most snow I have ever shovelled and the first time ever I have been able to shovel snow without a severe Asthma attack.  Now I am totally convinced it works!  Elizabeth T  Niagara Falls


BREATHE acts quickly to dissolve and overwrite unconscious negative emotional thought patterns and beliefs that may inhibit breathing and contribute to impaired respiratory function and chronic respiratory issues including Asthma and sinus issues 


"When the package arrived, I noticed my nose was running and my chest has been congested for several weeks with a sore throat.  Here, minutes after this first dose, my nose is not running.  It’s so beautiful how the Universe helps us......I’m very grateful for you and the flowers’ support."  Kind regards, Diana J  Boca Raton Florida 


30 ml @ $30

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Original copyright 2009.  Last updated November 2024.   All rights reserved.  No parts of this website or its contents may be copied or quoted without the express written permission of Lori D'Ascenzo


Enlightened Feelings

Email Us    tel: 1.519.586.2983

located in beautiful Long Point Beach world biosphere, Norfolk County, Ontario  N0E 1M0