Pet Behaviour-Balancing Remedies
to create happy, well-balanced dogs, cats, horses, rescue animals & farm animals!
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We LOVE animals! So we strive to maximize their emotional and physical wellbeing!

Our living flower frequencies for pets are human grade and just as highly effective! Captured from living plants, we've softened the frequencies in our pet essences so they are perfectly attuned to your animal's delicate nervous system
Our products are safe and natural, using living flower frequencies impregnated into water as the active ingredient. They are non-alcohol, completely natural, use only a small amount of calcium ascorbate as a preservative (0.067%) and absolutely no medicants. They pass all perfomance drug testing
Please do not use our living essences on animals receiving topical or oral medications, homeopathy, or linaments, as the flower frequencies can magnify or alter their effects!
dogs ~ cats ~ horses ~ rescue animals ~ racehorses ~ show horses ~ farm animals

"Calm & Secure ALONE" Separation Anxiety Relief
An amazing natural remedy proven to quickly stop dogs, cats and especially horses from feeling anxiety, loneliness and stress when separated from companions or left alone
Rapidly instills a state of serenity, independance and confidence. Behavior calms within minutes. Permanently eradicates separation anxiety when used daily for 15-21 days
Very helpful when trailering horses for the first time, or relocating to a new stable. Especially helpful for separation anxity, barn-soured horses and horses that hate to ride out alone
30 ml @ $30

"Adapt to Change" for pets
Quells homesickness and insecurity. Assists your pet to quickly adapt and accept change or new situations gracefully and effortlessly. Ideal for any significant change in the animal's life such as relocating or bringing a new baby or pet into the home
"I just wanted to let you know Karma (dog) is doing much better. She is more calm and seems to be adjusting to the baby now. I noticed the difference by the 3rd day. Thank you for your help." Amberlee Pritchard DC Avison IL
30 ml @ $30

"Calm & Secure PLUS" for extreme panic & irrational fears
Created especially to reduce or eliminate excessive or panicked fears. When used as directed, this amazing remedy permanently dispels extreme panicked fear of fireworks, gun shots, thunderstorms and other irrational fears in just 3 weeks!
"I wanted to share an exciting update on my dog Pennie! Yesterday hunters were out shooting behind our property which has always been a huge issue. Instead of whining and crying and trying to hide or attach herself to me she actually turned and barked towards the shooters. Thrilling!" Claire S Clifford ON
Use daily for 21-42 days for optimum results
"Honey wants to thank you and I am thrilled. When I am able to get her to consume enough in her water or food she stops her constant whining and just looks calm...she use to follow me everywhere all around the house crying and whining. If I ignored her she just got louder. Her demeanor is serene and we so apprediate the difference. I will order again very soon." Peggy S Lancaster CA
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml $50

"Wean Ease" for puppies, kittens & foals
Safely and easily wean your animals without stress, distress, colic, or trauma! Instills a calm state of serenity, independence, confidence, and willing attitude in babies to ensure ease in training
WEAN EASE helps both babies and their mothers! Horse breeders can administer to both mare and foal before separation to ensure effortless weaning and reduce health risks such as mastitis, colic, or panicked self-injury
Use WEAN EASE to soothe and calm your new puppy or kitten when you first bring it home. Stops whimpering and distress. Behaviour calms in minutes. Puppies and kittens quickly develop calm independence and mother quickly stops lactating
Use as needed for 3-5 days. Most effective when administered starting 3 days prior to weaning. Administer for 3-8 days total as needed
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml $50 (multiple animals)

"Chill Out" for hyperactive pets
Calms and relaxes hyper, easily excited, over-reactive, territorial, or intense animals .... even Jack Russell Terriers! Instills a calm sense of well-being. A godsend for those with hyper-active dogs!

"Maverick is doing good. At the kennel two spaniels walked right by him while we were checking in and he just looked at them and played with his ball. On walks he has been really good too" Jaclyn P St Catharines --Jack Russell Terrier owner
Use daily for 21 days. Then occasionally as needed
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50

"Broken Heart Heal" for animals
Our animal version of Heartbreak Heal. Designed to dissolve grief, loneliness and depression an animal may experience after losing a companion, beloved owner, or their baby
30 ml @ $30

"Calm & Secure" stress relief
A lightly calming stress relief remedy for dogs and cats. Quells common situational anxiety and fear. Use when needed for trips to the vet, groomer, travel, entertaining guests & more
30 ml @ $30

"Abused Animal Recovery"
This remedy began as a custom formula for a timid, rescued dog. But it is helpful for many pets and rescue animals that have suffered debilitating emotional abuse or fear of humans. It instills confidence and happiness, allowing the animal to connect better with humans and bond emotionally
"I have definitely noticed a shift in Talulah since starting the abused animal formula. She is much more confident and relaxed and accepting of love and affections. She’s also much more free in giving me information and asking for what she wants." Rebecca C CA USA Tibetan Mastiff
30 ml @ $30

"Animal Anxiety Relief"
A gentle remedy to help calm anxious pets and horses (our pet version of Worry Free for humans)
NOTE: Horses are naturally timid and hyper-vigilant. But, if your horse exhibits heightened anxiety which does not dissipate quickly, the animal may be deficient in electrolytes. Potassium deficiency and dehydration can cause anxiety and phobias in people and animals as cells begin strangling. So, check electrolytes first before deciding whether an essence fusion is needed
30 ml @ $30

"AH" topical atomizer
We've captured the frequency of DNA repair and the comforting frequency of pain relief along with soothing comforting living flower frequencies to help energetically release the emotional origins of your pet's health issue and pain
"I was treating my standardbred mare for a fractured pelvis. After more than a year of trying every therapy I could think of, the mare still could not walk. After just 21 days using AH, the mare could put her foot on the ground and was walking! After 40 days, the mare was 95% improved." Blaine K Mt Pleasant ON

Ideal for pain and degenerative conditions that have not responded well to traditional medical treatment, such as arthritis, burns, lameness, cruciate ligament injury, grass colic, and hoof pain--including bruises, laminitis, gravelitis, and navicular. Also comforting for wounds, dental pain, and insect bites. Attracts oxygen-rich hemoglobin and nitrous oxide. Increase in circulation and release of energy restriction in the body has demonstrated to accelerate healing processes by 30-50% as seen in the thermographic image of a horse's shoulder on the right.
Starts to work in minutes. Use as needed
"I had a tiny bit of the AH in the bottom of the bottle. I tried rubbing it on Sammee's sore shoulder and hocks as you'd suggested. Boy, what a different dog! Instead of being spaced out with pain, she was so much more interactive, playful, and happy. I'm thrilled and so is Sammee. Can't wait for her new bottle to show up." SJ Arizona
Available in 30 ml atomizer @ $30 ~ 60 ml atomizer @ $50 

"AH PLUS" topical atomizer
We've captured the frequency of DNA repair and the comforting frequency of pain relief along with soothing living comforting botanical frequencies that help to prompt more rapid natural systemic mending and healing from injuries, cuts, surgery, torn ligaments, etc.
Starts to work immediately. Use topically or orally as often as needed
"Just to Let you Know, Your AH PLUS is Awesome. Dottie's (dog) wounds are Healing Quickly, and Her Appetite is Back to 100%." Kaz M Veron BC
Available in 30 ml atomizer @ $30 ~ 60 ml atomizer @ $50

AH PLUS CASE STUDY: Our cat Ari was savagely attacked by another cat. There were gashes and bite marks on his belly, face, throughout his body, and a very deep 1.5" diameter wound on the inside of his fore leg. Fur, skin and flesh was completely ripped off and muscle was exposed. Ari was traumatized, in pain and limping badly
First we administered RESCUE AND REVIVE to quickly alleviate Ari's trauma and panic. He relaxed completely within a minute and we were then able to treat his wounds without a struggle
The leg wound was cleaned with peroxide. Colloidal Silver was drizzled on to kill any bacteria or pathogens. After a few moments we sprayed AH PLUS on the wound. All applictions were totally safe for him to lick his wounds!
Ari was treated twice a day for 3 days. By then he had stopped limping and his wound had healed by 50%. Then we simply applied AH PLUS once daily. His other wounds were treated daily with peroxide but did not receive AH PLUS
The white arrow shows an untreated scratch on Ari's face. It is virtually the same as 6 days prior. The diameter of the original leg wound is indicated by sparce fur and is marked by a white outline. The wound has healed by more than 80% in just 6 days! The fur is rapidly growing back. There is no proud flesh, infection, granulation, or scabbing
Ari seemed to know that the AH PLUS made him feel better. He 'asked' for it each day and, as you can see by the photo, would voluntarily stretch out his leg to expose the wound while we applied AH PLUS
"AH Flexible" topical atomizer
Created to release long-held suppressed patterns of mental pain, fear of change, stubbornness and inflexibility that permeate joints to cause physical pain, stiffness and inflexibility. Ideal for cruciate ligament injuries, stifle joints, hocks, shoulder stiffness, fetlock joints, etc where these mental states manifest into physical maladies
Quickly releases pain and promotes flexibility and ease of movement while the frequencies of DNA repair may prompt more rapid regeneration. Starts to work in minutes. May enhance the efficacy of natural therapies such as massage, acupuncture, or bowen therapy
Convenient atomizer. Spray topically as needed. Visible results starting in about 3 days. Do not use with liniments or other topical applications
Available in 30 ml atomizer @ $30 ~ 60 ml atomizer @ $50

"Breathe" for animals
BREATHE increases oxygen intake by decreasing stress, improves energy and overall health, vitality and mental wellbeing of your pet
Developed by request for snub-nosed dogs such as Pugs and Bulldogs, BREATHE has proven to be helpful for all animals with breathing issues
Breathe helps to release the complex emotional origins and stressors that contribute to constricted breathing and reduced circulation (such as anxiety, or not feeling you have a right to be alive). Releasing mental stressors may prompt the opening and expansion of airways from the nose right through to the chest
Available in 15 ml @ $15 ~ 30 ml @ $30

"Chi Tonic"
Helps to restore life force energy and vitality when the animal is weakened or depleted, or has an injury, or has a debilitating or chronic condition such as cancer. Increases will to live and chance of survival
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50

Soothing drug-free anti-stress for quick recovery from traumatic events or competition stress. Instills an immediate feeling of well-being
Use immediately after a horse race, animal attack, accident, show, or competition. Quickly subsides psychological damage from shock, injury or abuse. Restores vitality, wellbeing, and inner balance, which may contribute to preventing 'burn-out' or 'souring'

Use as needed
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50

"Rescue & Revive" for pets
Promotes fast recovery from physical or emotional trauma or situational anxiety!
This emergency trauma antidote is a very rapid grounding, calming stabilizer when administered following any shock or trauma, such as attack by another animal. Works in under a minute!
Its calming, grounding qualities make it wonderful for restoring mental stability and calm balance following an accident, fall or fright, or stressful situations such as going to the vet or travelling in a car. Helps promote a feeling of relaxed peace, wellbeing, and clarity. Much more effective and fast acting than Bach Flower Rescue Remedy
Use as needed
30 ml @ $30

"Shield" for pets
Animals are highly empathic, sensitive, and loving. They feel what their human owners feel and can sympathetically absorb their health or emotional problems into their own etheric body. This is especially true of horses because you ride a horse with your root chakra against the horse's heart chakra
SHIELD protects highly sensitive animals and service animals from harmful negative energies from humans. It helps to stop your pet or horse from picking up your health issues or negative emotions. SHIELD is especially useful when dissension is present in the home or your family is breaking up
It is especially helpful for horses being ridden by multiple people, such as those in stables and riding academies
Use as needed
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50

"Train Ease" for dogs
Promotes rapid stress-free training for your dog ... and that means less stress for YOU! In just 3 days, your pet will be more focused, sensible, and openly willing and happy to learn
Ideal for stress-free canine or puppy training classes!
Use for 15-21 days
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml $50

"Calm & Secure ALONE" for horses
An amazing remedy proven to quickly quell separation anxiety and stress when horses are separated from companions, left alone, trailered, or ridden away from the stable. Eases stress and loneliness for horses who are stabled alone. Also useful for barn-soured horses
Storm's story ... Storm was a rare palomino saddlebred. As a naturally high-strung breed, Diane just accepted that when Storm got upset, he would get totally wound up and out of control. His insecurity caused him to crowd other horses, as well. Since taking Calm & Secure ALONE, Storm has become relaxed, confident and a much more trustworthy mount out on trails. In Diane's words "Storm has become the horse of my dreams!"
Quickly instills a state of serenity and independance. Stops panicking, whinnying, stall walking, and running through fences. Starts to quell anxiety in under 10 minutes. Permanently eradicates separation anxiety in just 15-21 days when used as directed. Use as needed for calm and effortless trailering
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50 (for 2 horses)

"Unflappable" for horses
Created especially to reduce or eliminate over-reactive, irrational, or panicked fears. Promotes and sustains a calm, sensible, confident horse. Ideal for horses that spook easily
Use daily for 21-42 days for permanent, optimal results
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50

"Train Ease" for horses
This formula is a wonderful investment in the mental and emotional health and value of your horse. Helps your horse become calm, focused, sensible, and more willing to train. Promotes easier, more stress-free breaking and training of young horses, and rapid, stress-free re-training of horses that have not been ridden for a very long period of time
"My green quarter horse filly had not been ridden more than 6 times in the space of 3 years, and had not been off the property or had much attention at all for more than 15 months. When I decided to sell her, I started giving her Train Ease for 3 days before a prospective buyer came to see her. She behaved quietly, respectfully and performed flawlessly even though she had not been ridden or lunged in months. She went quietly down the road ridden by a novice. The buyer was highly impressed and bought the horse immediately. Amazing essence!" Lori D Fonthill ON
Use for 3-15 days
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50 for multiple horses

"Winning EDGE"
Training, practice, and conditioning can get you to top level competition. But, loss of focus, nerves, or confidence can ruin it all when performance really counts
Create the winning edge for your racehorse, performance horse, or equine athlete, no matter the discipline!
Increases boldness, confidence, enthusiasm, poise, and heart while reducing stress. Helps your horse want to perform its very best
Standardbred owner Tracy from Australia says her trotters are now giving it their absolute all after receiving our equine performance enhancer. She finds them more sensible, confident, willing, and competitive
If your horse has lost its edge, has soured, has unrealized potential, or really could be performing better, this is the formula you need to bring out their very best! Creates positive mental shifts in just 3 days. Drug test safe for race and competition horses
Top-ranked riders and trainers have created top top-winning equine athletes with this natural drug-free product and carefully guard this as their secret competition edge!
Use starting 3-4 days before competition or race
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50 for multiple horses
Winning Edge .... Veteran thoroughbred trainer Wendy Wolff says "There is no doubt I see a difference in the behaviour of my racehorses immediatley after they receive your custom remedies. They become calmer, more focused, more confident ... As an experiment, I gave your equine performance enhancer to my 2 yr old throughbreds when I started to break them. No separation anxiety. No bucking or acting up. They all became exceptionally confident, sensible, and reay to work hard in spite of all the new things they experienced. All of them were ready to go to the track in just 3 weeks! Exercise riders at the track also noted how willing and sensible those young horses were. This was the easiest sppring breaking session ever!"
NOTE: Throughout the race meet, thoroughbreds trained using our powerful Winning Edge (performance horse essence fusion) continue to demonstrate much greater calmness, sensibility, adaptability to change, and better attitude toward work than other thoroughbreds. We also have many top show horses and riders who use our Winning Edge. The products contain only 5% alcohol (1 drop per dose), and we have non-alcohol formulas, as well. So they are safe for horses that are drug-tested

"Wean Ease" for Horses
A wonderful investment in the mental and emotional health of your young horses!
Safely and easily wean your foals without stress, trauma or harmful side-effects!
"I have been breeding horses for over 20 years. The weaning process is always a stressful one, no matter what you do or how you do it.
I discovered Wean Ease after years of breeding and I can say it is by far the best product I have tried, with no side effects. By giving it to the mare and the baby prior to weaning (48 hours), during, and for a few days after weaning, I have noticed that the babies are more settled, less distressed, they don't call their moms as much and are more sensible (no silly accidents!)
For the mares, they are also more settled but most of all, the udder "dries up" a lot faster, at least 48 hours sooner than without Wean Ease, and that's a big plus, reducing drastically the risks of mastitis. I wish I had had it when I stopped breast feeding!" Candice M Desert Rose Equine Mt Pleasant ON
Administer to both mare and foal for 3 days before separation to ensure effortless weaning and reduce health risk. Foals quickly develop calm independance and as a wonderful side-effect, the mare quickly stops lactating
Documented by vets to end lactation and mammary gland discomfort 50% faster. Minimizes adverse health risks such as mastitis, colic, and accidents caused by panic and distress without the need for drugs. Instills a healthy mental attitude including a calm state of serenity, independance, confidence, and willing attitude in foals. WEAN EASE is a big plus to help ensure future ease in training young horses
For best results start 3 days prior to weaning. Administer for 3-5 days total
30 ml @ $30 for mare and foal ~ 60 ml @ $50 for multiple horses

"Zen" for animals
Designed to relieve stress and anxiety in animals. Zen is very calming and sedating. It provides a sense of lovely inner peace and tranquility, particularly for stressed farm animals
Use as needed
30 ml @ $30

"Comfort & Solace"
Quickly dispels grief and heart ache for pet owners who have lost a beloved pet, or for pets who have just lost a companion
Tip: When preparing to euthanize or re-home a pet, keep this remedy on hand and use daily to comfort and support you and your other pets through the process
"I took the grief drops immediately after I euthanized my dog a few days ago. I have used your essences for quite some time and have always found them helpful. But, that was the fastest your essences have ever worked for me! It has definitely helped my memories bring me comfort instead of sorrow" Wendy W Pt Colborne
3-5 days when loss is imminent or recent. 21 days for longer-held grief and sorrow
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml $50

For new pet owners! 4 of our most helpful natural pet remedies. It's by far the kindest way to welcome your new puppy to your home!
.Wean Ease Quickly alleviates the trauma of weaning. It's by far the kindest way to welcome your new puppy to your home! 15 ml
.Rescue & Revive Use as needed to provide calming comfort in stressful situations such as going to the vet, visitors in your home, or following an accident, fight, or fright 15 ml
.Calm & Secure ALONE Quickly stop separation anxiety. Promotes independance and mental comfort in animals who are left alone or separated from you or their companions 30 ml
.Train Ease Ensures a willing, co-operative, relaxed attitude in your puppy when training. Enhances communication. Elevates the IQ, EQ and conciousness of your animal
Use as needed
$90 value. Just $75 (save $15!)

Enlightened Feelings for Pets
Creating happy animals & owners through Behavior Balancing for Dogs, Cats and Horses
Port Rowan ON N0E 1M0 519.586.2983 Email