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Are you single and want to attract a loving relationship? Are you in a relationship and want an easy, effective catalyst for deepening, healing, or improving your personal connection? Are you trying to move past a troubled, unrequited, or broken relationship or marriage and heal your broken heart? We've got the ideal heart-centred essence fusions for your needs! These lovely essence formulas will effortlessly transformhow you think, feel, and relate to others, in positive ways, which then changes how the world responds to you
"What the heart cares about is resonance. Resonance that opens it, resonance that enlivens it, resonance that calls it home. " Jeff Brown
We constantly seek to connect with other life-force energies we encounter in one or more of these 4 ways ... PHYSICAL (touch, closeness, presence), MENTAL (validation, understanding), EMOTIONAL (acceptance, connection, love), SPIRITUAL (chemistry, energy, meaning). Every relationship or interaction succeeds or fails based on the potential of this energy connection
Let us pin-point the essence fusions that will be most helpful to you!
"Heartbreak Heal"
A lovely remedy to heal from heartbreak, romantic betrayal, infidelity, emotional manipulation or abandonment. This issence is so important to use before beginning a new relationship, because it is so easy to transfer old wounds onto interactions with new people
"Since taking the essence and the shift in energies I have noticed that I no longer spend time thinking and worrying about the past relationship. This new peace about that part of my history feels wonderful.” Nadine W Toronto ON
HEARTBREAK HEAL effortlessly overwrites the emotional trauma of heartbreak, rejection, abandonment, emotional wounds, and aloneness. It effortlessly dissolves defensiveness and all negative traumatic emotions surrounding failed relationships and promotes forgiveness. It opens up your heart again and allows you to feel strong and radiate love
HEARTBREAK HEAL allows you to cut the cords from past relationships and move forward with your heart open. Helps to dissolve self-protective defensive behaviours that hold others at bay and prevents healthy intimacy. Defensive behaviour includes attracting unhealthy relationships or 'unavailable' partners to ensure you stay emotionally 'safe'. See also Father Issues
"... enabled me to cut the cords with all my past relationships and realize I was worth more than just settling. I began to love in the moment rather than needing assurance or insurance." Gabriella P Etobicoke ON
HEARTBREAK HEAL is helpful when your heart feels fragmented, conflicted, shut-down, stuck in the past, or defensive and self-protective. Helpful when you have unresolved feelings, self-protective defensive behaviour, and don't feel lovable, which prevents you from enjoying a healthy new relationship
"I did not understand that forgiveness is a really, really big issue with me until I got 3/4 done with Heartbreak Heal. It's like scales fell off my eyes!"Mychelle W California
Use for 21 days
30 ml $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50
"Love Magnet"
Finding love is less about luck or timing and more about opening your heart, becoming more outgoing, gregarious, and being able to take risks so that you are open to meeting and responding to new people
"Love Magnet is definitely working. Physiologically, I feel good, I feel vibrant and energetic. And I'm also manifesting things that I have been wanting for a very long time... little things that meant a lot to me. In addition to that, I've been feeling more frisky in terms of feeling softer in my heart and overall disposition. I have even been kinder to my ex and more gracious. It feels like I've let a lot of this hard exterior shell go. Which is a good thing." IT MD
This light, happy, flirty essence fusion helps to focus the energy of your body and mind on feelings of love, interaction, and closeness, while accentuating feelings of attractiveness and drawing others to you
"I started with Flow for 3 days. Then I moved on to I Feel Blessed for 3 days. And now I am doing Love Magnet. I took Love Magnet only one day before departing to Dubai and then I didn't resume taking Love Magnet again until after I returned home a week later. When I tell you my trip was absolutely amazing and people, things and experiences were magnetically drawn to me, I am not exaggerating. It was magical. Even my best friend who was traveling with me was saying to me that she couldn't understand what or how but I had an energy surrounding me that has these things magnetized to me. She said whatever you are doing keep doing 'cause something is on you." Isis T Annapolis MD
Due to its uplifting nature LOVE MAGNET helps improve social interaction, and deepens connections that are vital for relationships of all kinds. It helps you attract attention, love, romance, affection, friendships, closeness, and positive attention of all kinds. (Remember: To meet someone you do need to actually get out in public and interact with people!)
This light, flirty essence fusion emboldens you to be more fun, outgoing, and adventurous. Opens you to accepting attention from others and prompts you to take the initiative when needed. You become more attractive and interesting to others
"I took Love Magnet to help overcome my social anxiety. I really wasn't looking for a relationship. I just wanted to feel more outgoing and fun. Love Magnet did help me to feel bubbly, outgoing, and flirty! But, what I most noticed was that all kinds of people suddenly responded to me in a more favourable way. Attractive younger men were suddenly flirting with me. And I felt more romantic, playful, adventurous, and interested in dating. To feel that was a bit of a shock! But it's been really fun!" (Anonymous!)
For ideal results use Love Magnet after you have achieved a healthy self esteem with ourempowering essence fusionsand dissolved any lingering grief, defensiveness, or despair with "Heartbreak Heal"
Also try I Am Deserving to ensure that you feel worthy of attracting a loving partner
Use for 3-5 days. Then every 4-8 weeks as needed
15 ml $15 ~ 30 ml $30
If you are a 'people pleaser' or always try to be perfect when around others, we recommend "My Authentic Self" before taking LOVE MAGNET.
Becoming the REAL you is the best way to attract a mate that is just right for you and will love you for your true self! MY AUTHENTIC SELF stops the need to play a role, to be the ideal partner, or to please others to gain approval, as this attracts partners who are drawn to the 'fake' you and not the REAL you. Helps you to be comfortable being your authentic self so that you can attract someone who is truly compatible with you and likes you for your real self
NEW! "Unrequited Love Heal"
Much more than just a remedy to relinquish feelings of lost love, this essence fusion provides serene objectivity, clarity, a fresh perspective, and a deep connection and honouring of your own needs
UNREQUITED LOVE HEAL is so very helpful in providing a blissful neutrality when you have been struggling with a relationship breakup, or are feeling ignored, rejected, isolated, all alone, or abandoned. It can heal and dissolve distressing feelings of wishing and longing, rejection, hopelessness, and feeling unloved. It dissolves karmic ties so you are able to easily let go of all thoughts and desire toward those who have been aloof, unresponsive, uncaring, or do not love you in the way that you need. And it allows you to 'unhook' from toxic relationships
This essence fusion supports painless endings. It neutralizes feelings of heartache, wishing it could be different, inner turmoil, angst, and negative self-blame such as "what is wrong with me?" or 'why isn't this working?"
It helps you feel stronger, more centered, and able to see more clearly. It uplifts and elates, allowing you to feel free, happy, loving, and open to a new relationship. Most importantly, it infuses bright self-love and self-value to help you find greater sense of self-worth
UNREQUITED LOVE HEAL is not suitable for breaking the energetic ties of twin-flame relationships, although it will provide greater clarity and objectivity on these relationships. It will not release energetic chords between partners who both still love each other, despite being apart. Choose Heartbreak Heal instead
Other suitable essence fusions:Father Issues when you keep choosing emotional unavailable men or troubled men, or when you are a 'rescuer'. Serenity to neutralize feelings about situations and people you cannot change. Divorce Heal to neutralize anger, animosity, defensiveness, resentment, and hurt feelings about someone. Heartbreak Heal when you have been hurt and are now defensive or guarded
21 days
30 ml @ $30
"My Authentic Self"
The greatest wound we can experience is to be rejected or criticized when we are being our real self. As a result of that experience, we then try to become what we're not in order to gain acceptance, approval, love, protection, or safety
Not being your true self can result in unfulfilling relationships, never getting your needs met, low self esteem, and deep loneliness even when with others
How can you ever be loved just for yourself, or find the right partner for yourself, if no one gets to know the real you? Your real need is to reconnect with the essence of who you are, and re-own all the disowned parts of yourself so that you feel complete, and more lovable
Do you feel needy, insecure, or off balance when in a relationship? Are you trying hard in your relationship and it still isn't working? Are you afraid to relax and just be yourself? Or have you lost yourself within your relationship and no longer know who you really are? In an effort to be accepted, sociable, cooperative, and liked by others, you may be compromising your needs and losing who you really are and what you need. MY AUTHENTIC SELF can help
21 days + repeat once a month for 3-5 days
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50
"I love how it makes me feel. Very seductive and free and adventurous" Denise A Catawba NC
Would you like to feel irresistible?
This essence fusion is deeply grounding, feminine, and receptive in an 'earthy' way. Feels like Gaia with undertones of sensual 'femme fatale' ... quiet seductiveness with resilient strength. A wonderfully feminine essence
"I am truly enjoying Goddess Essence. In my case, I would not describe the feeling as flirty, I feel more the Femme Fatale or quietly seductive. And although I look exactly the same as I did last month, men are staring at me! Now I can't wait to try Love Magnet." Mychelle W San Diego CA
"The last time you sent me Goddess essence I knew I was on to something. This is my second batch and it seems to be having an even stronger effect … I feel attractive and intriguing!! But I’m not trying to feel this way, it’s coming from inside of me" Mychelle W San Diego CA
Use for 21 days, then 3-5 days as desired
30 ml $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50
Love Magnet Trio
A 3-step protocol to attract true love, affection and ... possibilities!
.Heartbreak Heal Begin with HEARTBREAK HEAL to release defensiveness and emotional baggage from previous relationships. Helps you become open and ready to enjoy a healthy relationship 30 ml
.My Authentic Self Next, it's time to stop 'people-pleasing' and trying to be perfect, and relax into being your authentic self. Becoming the REAL you attracts a mate that will love the real you ... and that means this person is right for you! 30 ml
.Love Magnet Now you are ready to feel flirty, sociable, and vivacious! Attracts love and affection of all kinds ... and maybe even a soul mate! 15 ml
$75 value $65 (Save $10)
*Individual bottles of your favorite remedies may be re-ordered in any size
"Social Butterfly"
Increases confidence, personal ease and comfort in social situations. Ideal for those who feel awkward, shy, or introverted. Helpful for blind dates or when meeting people for the first time
"I was dreading New Years. But, I took Social Butterfly and surprised myself by having a wonderful time at the party. I found a new ease when talking to people and I wasn't self-conscious when dancing" Lori D Thorold ON
Did you know ... Children who are rejected by their father are more likely to have social anxiety and trouble forming friendships. Could this be the root of your issue? See also Father Issues
Use as needed
15 ml $15 ~ 30 ml $30
"Social Empowerment"
An amazing essence fusion that neutralizes the emotional and psychological impact of social rejection, bullying, mean or 2-faced people, and feeling misunderstood, awkward, or like an outcast
"I do believe the Social Empowerment has played a role in reducing my anger. There isn’t as much panic about being left out so I’m able to relax more. I’m noticing I don’t feel as much of a need to entertain people. Feeling like I need to entertain people so I won’t be abandoned has been a core belief of mine from childhood. It’s exhausting, makes me resentful of others and is a huge part of my anger." Anita G Maryland
This essence fusion fosters greater social rapport and helps you to be more out-going and better able to connect with others. It fosters self-acceptance while instilling confidence and appreciation of others
"Thank you so much! Social Empowerment is doing wonders for me. I got like three or four numbers from some pretty girls tonight and people are just being nicer in general. I'm not used to it. I'm so much more open to meeting new people. I'm not afraid. I'm not scaring people away. I'm meeting better people. People are kind and warming up to me. People are NOT draining my energy. It's easier for me to go out into the world and meet people and grow successful socially. I am attracting tons of positive social good healthy energy. Thank you" Jack M Brooklyn NY
21 days + repeat once a month for 3-5 days
30 ml $30 ~60 ml $50
"I Feel Loved"
A wonderful warm-and-fuzzy antidote for anyone who is feeling alone and unloved. You'll feel softly enveloped in positive, loving feelings. It is almost like being in love!
Use for 3-5 days when you just need some warm and fuzzy 'I feel loved" feelings. Use 21 days to release longer-held feelings of not being loved or lovable
30 ml $30
"Love Empowered"
You are either walking in the direction of love, or in the direction of fear and isolation
This heart-opening essence is ideal when you are in a relationship that is breaking down. Designed for those who are in a committed relationship, but are shutting down emotionally because you may feel hurt, betrayed, angry, or defensive, but are unwilling to walk away from your loved one
Promotes forgiveness, and restores love, trust and happiness again. Enables you to heal and opens you to communication and restoring your relationship
Helpful when you become overly focused on differences and disagreements, judgments, and conflicts between yourself and those you love. You begin to feel alienated and defensive. It seems easier to build walls and wait for others to make the first move
“For a whole week (my husband) took Love Empowered, and it opened him up so much, he was able to articulate his thoughts in a way he's never had and it also made him so lovable that our youngest daughter wanted to be around him more often” Adilene M CA
To restore closeness, you must heal your own attitudes and beliefs that are causing separation and defensiveness. LOVE EMPOWERED helps promote communication and brings out your deeper feelings of love and co-operation to help you both sort things out
LOVE EMPOWERED may also help with conflict resolution and negotiation, when administered to both parties
21 days + repeat when needed for 3-5 days
30 ml $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50
"Holding My Own Space"
When you do not feel equal in your relationship, it leads to feeling jealous, insecure, entitled, or acting to please or elicit a response, because you perceive yourself as either inferior or superior to your partner
This essence fusion helps you to effortlessly hold your balance within a relationship without feeling needy, off balance, or insecure. HOLDING MY OWN SPACE allows you to gracefully ‘soul dance’ with another in a relationship. Stops the need to cling to a failing or unhealthy relationship. Helps you to stay in balance so you can be more true to your own needs
Also ideal for those cling to unhealthy relationships, or who keep being drawn back into a failing or unhealthy relationship
A gentle sweet essence to help you to feel more lovable and willing to receive love. By promoting self-love, I AM LOVABLE helps you to believe, accept, and understand when someone tells you that they love you. It helps you to accept and receive when others try to love you and do nice things for you
Use for 3-5 days. Repeat as needed
30 ml $30
"I Am Deserving"
To open your arms wide to love, you have to feel truly worthy of the blessings, love and opportunities that come to you. That is why 'I Am Deserving' is so important!
It overrides those negative messages you've been receiving from others and from yourself, that you are flawed or not worthy or deserving. It helps to instill self-acceptance, confidence and ease
Think of it as both an empowerment tool and a relationship tool!
21 days + repeat once a month for 3-5 days
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50
"Open Heart"
Feel love, peace and courage to connect emotionally with others. This lovely formula is designed to open and soften your heart when you feel inhibited, aloof, reserved, un-demonstrative, unaffectionate, or unable to communicate loving sentiments. It can dissolve defensiveness to open you to closeness and intimacy, which helps others to soften and be more receptive to your energy. It allows you to feel more comfortable demonstrating 'warm and fuzzy' feelings such as love and nurturing toward others, and be open to receiving in return
21 days then as needed
30 ml $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50
"Heart Speak"
HEART SPEAK deepens communication and intimacy with partners and others by allowing you to connect to your deepest thoughts and feelings and communicate them honestly, authentically, and openly. 'Intimacy' means "Into-me-see". It is about allowing and trusting others to see the real inner you
Vulnerability takes courage. The original meaning of courage comes from the Latin 'cor', which means "heart". It meant 'to speak one's mind by telling one's heart.' HONESTY requires courage!
"I noticed a few things. The 1st difference was that I was extremely social while traveling. I’m a head down, earbuds in, and nose in book flier. But this time I wanted to talk to others and they wanted to socialize with me. I had great relaxing conversations with a lot of people at the airport and on the plane. I also felt more relaxed in interacting with family. I noticed I wasn’t concerned about what I should or shouldn’t say to make others like me. My anxiety and anger over feeling like I needed to entertain others wasn’t there. … for the most part I felt I was able to be closer to others more than ever before." Anita G Maryland
This fusion allows you to honour the sacred truth of others with graceful responding, not taking it personally even in the presence of sadness or disappointment. The revealer of truth in a relationship, you will know exactly what your relationship is
The effects of this essence are cumulative. If you are in a relationship, it is best it taken by both parties at the same time. It begins to work most effectively after about 3 days
When taken by an individual without a partner/relationship, this fusion opens you to more relaxed, authentic, heart-centred, eloquent honest communication that deepens your rapport and allows others to respond more favourably and respectfully to you in social settings as well as one on one. You'll feel closer to others and more connected than ever before
30 ml $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50 (for couples)
"Abandonment Heal"
Helpful for those who have a fear of abandonment. Releases and overwrites feelings of loss, sorrow, heartache, emptiness, and feeling unloved or unlovable caused by feeling rejected or abandoned. Eases your grief and helps you find acceptance and inner peace
Also helpful for a relationship breakup or the death of someone significant to you
Use for 21-66 days
30 ml $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50
"Divorce Heal"
A powerful heart-healing remedy to rapidly dissolve those harmful negative feelings of heartbreak, rejection, animosity, resentment, and other highly-charged long-held emotions. Helps heal your heart and allows you to let go of the past
"I absolutely loved the Divorce Heal flower essence. Thank you SO much!" Julia VN Hamilton ON
This essence is helpful for healing the pain of any type of relationship or partnership that is causing lingering anger, animosity and negative feelings
Use for 21-66 days
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50
"I Am Flexible"
This is the ideal tool for effortless relationship mediation!
Promotes allowance and acceptance, adaptability, flexibility, open willingness, co-operation, allowance for new ideas and new ways, risk-taking, and a greater sense of adventure
"I have long wondered what the statement 'don't resist' meant in terms of allowing change. Since taking the flower essences, I am able to realize my resistance reactions to change. I realize the words, thought and feelings I have in relation to something I don't like IS the resistance. I have connected these thought patterns to feelings of tightness around my middle torso and lower chest. Right where the liver, kidneys and heart are." Jeanne H El Cerrito CA
Assists by promoting a more open, neutral exchange and acceptance of other points of view. When you soften your view of situations, everything changes! And that can heal contentious relationships!
Use for 21-66 days
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50
"Moving On"
A compelling essence fusion that shifts you out of self-pity or pessimism and into acceptance. Helpful following the death of a spouse or ending of a relationship
Motivates and strengthens you to move forward with a gentle realization that that you can still have a bright future. Allows you to shift your perspective to see possibilities instead of just the limits of 'now'. Helps you embrace change and see that you can have more, not less
Use for 21 days
30 ml @ $30
"Karma Clear"
Dissolves the threads of attachment that don't allow you to break ties with the past. A very powerful clearing and purging remedy that dissolves the negative effects from your past and leaves you feeling free and unencumbered
"I started the Karma Clear about a week ago, and I feel some powerful transformations taking place. My intuition has really been firing and I can clearly see that positive changes are occurring. Some very profound things are being revealed during my sleep each night. The best part is that the changes are gentle and I feel supported and protected every step of the way." Michelle J Raleigh NC
KARMA CLEAR overwrites guilt, karmic debt, unforgiven past experiences, and unhealthy energetic ties to those from your past. It can even reach into past lives when needed
KARMA CLEAR may also help to clear hexes or curses, including ancestral curses. Leaves you feeling clear and unimpeded
Use for 21 days. Repeat for 3-5 days once a month to dissolve new karma before it negatively impacts your life
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50
"Broken Heart Heal"
Grief and sadness is the heart-voice that speaks to you about loss and about love interrupted. Grief is love that has no place to go
The true message of grief is that you must be brave enough to open your heart to love again, to reach out to others and fill up your life and your being with love once again. You must give your love a place to go
BROKEN HEART HEAL releases profound heartache and grief from the loss of someone you loved deeply. Designed for the most challenging and complex types of grief that are so life-altering, and that persist for a much longer period of time due to their depth and complexity
Shifts you through and beyond long-term grief from divorce, death, or any significant loss or rejection. Turns sorrow and grief into acceptance and understanding when your loss seems so unfair. Alleviates 'survivor guilt' ("why I am I here and they are gone?") Does not erase the memories of the one you loved -- but does instil moments of peace and acceptance
Use following death or divorce of someone significant, or for long-term care-giving of a loved one that has now ended, or for any loss that feels life-altering (such as a fire that destroys your home)
"Broken Heart Heal was huge for me. I didn't realize how much I was weighed down by all of my losses. That was huge. I tell everyone I can about your flower essences." Evelyn R Hunt TX
We recommend taking'Be Kind to Yourself' with this essence fusion to ensure you practice self-nurturing
Try Moving On after using this essence fusion to help you start to live again
Due to the depth and complexity of life-altering grief, this essence should be used for a minimum of 42-66 days
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50
"Clear & Protect"
Clear & Protect helps you to maintain your mental and emotional equilibrium when in a relationship. It helps you separate and clarify what you feel from what you sense about others' feelings. Helps awaken intuition to allow you to trust your gut feelings
Works in minutes and leaves a light, happy positive feeling all day
Use as needed
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50
Now you can safely shield yourself, stay positive in the midst of negativity, and set healthy boundaries. Shield helps protect you during divorce or in unhealthy or toxic relationships. Shield provides an energetic shield to protect you from psychic attack, negativity, and ‘toxic’ people. Allows you to feel like you are in a protective bubble that the negative emotions of others can't penetrate
Effortlessly hold your balance within a relationship without feeling needy, off balance, or insecure. Allows you to gracefully ‘soul dance’ with another in a relationship. Helps you be more true to your own needs
Also ideal for those cling to unhealthy relationships, or who keep being drawn back into a failing or unhealthy relationship
21 days + repeat once a month for 3-5 days
"Holding My Own Space"
Effortlessly hold your balance within a relationship without feeling needy, off balance, or insecure. Allows you to gracefully ‘soul dance’ with another in a relationship. Helps you be more true to your own needs
Also ideal for those cling to unhealthy relationships, or who keep being drawn back into a failing or unhealthy relationship
21 days + repeat once a month for 3-5 days
"I Am Deserving"
To open your arms wide to love, you have to feel truly worthy of the blessings, love and opportunities that come to you. That is why 'I Am Deserving' is so important!
It overrides those negative messages you've been receiving from others and from yourself, that you are flawed or not worthy or deserving. It helps to instill self-acceptance, confidence and ease
Think of it as both an empowerment tool and a relationship tool!
21 days + repeat once a month for 3-5 days
30 ml $30 ~ 60 ml $50
"I Am Deserving"
To open your arms wide to love, you have to feel truly worthy of the blessings, love and opportunities that come to you. That is why 'I Am Deserving' is so important!
It overrides those negative messages you've been receiving from others and from yourself, that you are flawed or not worthy or deserving. It helps to instill self-acceptance, confidence and ease
Think of it as both an empowerment tool and a relationship tool!
21 days + repeat once a month for 3-5 days
30 ml $30 ~ 60 ml $50
Original copyright 2009. Last updated November 2024. All rights reserved. No parts of this website or its contents may be copied or quoted without the express written permission of Lori D'Ascenzo