Help for Stress & Anxiety Relief
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Safe, highly effective natural flower essence remedies specially formulated to release the effects of stress and anxiety across a broad range of related causes, situations, and personality types.
Our essence fusions address the underlying energetic and emotional imbalances that manifest as stress, anxiety, PTSD, and social inhibitions. Live flower frequencies gently calm and relax your nervous system, allowing the natural release of endorphins to inhibit adrenaline and cortisol release, thereby eliminating stress response. Our products are field tested to ensure maximum effectiveness and we constantly update our formulas to meet the changing needs of society
Detailed instructions are provided with each essence remedy
See also Clearing & Protection
Can't decide? We offer testing services

Instills a deep serene, zen-like sense of peace and inner balance. Our most profound stress relief formula!
Use as needed
Also suitable for children at a lower dose
15 ml $15 ~ 30 ml $30

"Stress Buster!"
Works fast and fits in your pocket or purse! We call it 'serenity in a bottle'!
"I feel absolutely unflappable with the Stress Buster!" Ron M firefighter Niagara Falls ON
Quickly and effectively relieves the mental effects of everyday stress while retaining mental alertness. Instills inner calmness and serene balance without losing focus or productivity. Shoulder and neck tension and stiffness begins to melt away as you relax. Lasts ALL day!
"I have been under tremendous stress from a change of residence. Anything that can go wrong has gone wrong. Everyone has commented on how calm and steady I am though all of this. It has to be the Stress Buster!" Wendy W Pt Colborne ON
A relaxed state of serenity is one of the best natural ways to alleviate headaches, pain, tension and stiffness in the neck, shoulders and back of the head caused by stress tension
"Sprayed Stress Buster inside my mouth and on back of my outer jaw. Also on my neck and shoulders. The tension that I hold there daily melted away within minutes. I carry daily tension and never have much relief. I can't wait to take a bath in it. So looking forward to using my blessings tomorrow. Thank u soooo of much" DR TX
Use Zen for the most profound stress relief or at bedtime to calm mental chatter and stress to allow more restful sleep
Choose our pet and children's version of Zen to relieve stress in children or pets
Use as needed
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml $50
Also available in our Stress Relief Pack

Stress Relief Pack!
4 of our most popular essence fusion formulas to help you reduce the detrimental energetic effects of daily stress while augmenting mental balance and alertness
$90 value $69.98 (Save$20)
.Stress Buster 30 ml
.Shield 30 ml
.Rescue & Revive 15 ml
.Restful 15 ml
*Individual bottles of your favourite stress-relief remedies may be re-ordered in any size

"Chill Out"
Remember that serene happy feeling you get when you've been on vacation for a week? THAT's 'Chill Out'!
It can mellow those who are too serious and intensely focused on their job (and that make you more pleasant to be around!). It is also calming for those who are hyperactive. Instills serene relaxed well-being and relaxation with uplifting feelings.
Use for 3-5 days at a time
15 ml @ $15 ~ 30 ml @ $30

"Control Release"
Releases mental rigidity, perfectionism and the need to control and judge. Allows you to relax, let go, and trust in the outcome. Helps take a lot of stress out of relationships and daily life!
"Since taking the Control Release for only one week I can tell that I am more willing to open up and relax both physically and emotionally. It has struck me how much of my contracted state is actually a form of control, a kind of refusing to say yes to life. I just had never thought of how my resistance to being in my body was a form of control." Sally S Columbia Falls MT
Use 21-42 days
30 ml $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50

"I Am Flexible"
Promotes acceptance, adaptability, flexibility, open willingness, co-operation, allowance for new ideas and new ways, and a more open, neutral exchange and acceptance of other points of view. Very calming and de-stressing!
Helps stop resistance to new ways of doing things. Subtly helps to stop obsessing over something. Helpful in times of stressful change, such as during home renovations or when you are the caregiver for someone. No more 'meltdowns'!
"Renovations are very stressful! But, during a recent kitchen reno, my contractor commented that I was unusually calm and relaxed. I told him that I was taking 'I Am Flexible.' He asked if he could try some. I caught him cheerfully whistling an hour later. He asked for it every day thereafter! I have to say this was the most stress-free 3-month reno I have ever done! 'I Am Flexible' is now my favourite essence! " Lori D'Ascenzo
Use daily as needed for stress relief
30 ml $30 ~ 60 ml $50

Allows effortless letting go and stops persistence of anxious or angry feelings. Helps you to surrender and accept what cannot be changed so you can move on without bitterness. Promotes acceptance, grace, and making peace with the past and those things you cannot change.
"I have to say, I am so grateful that I started the Serenity when I did. It has really helped me with all this craziness going on in the world, and despite all the craziness I have had some very beautiful and powerful moments because of the essence!" Sarah A Paso Robles CA
Use as needed for stress
30 ml $30 ~ 60 ml $50

One of the primary causes of stress is how other people affect you! Now you can safely shield yourself and stay positive in the midst of negativity and toxic emotions!
"Shield seems to have reduced my anxiety down to zero. I can't believe it. I have a couple social events coming up so this is a real blessing" Derek B Nepean ON
Shield is helpful for those who feel drained, ill, 'jangled', stressed, or out of sorts after being with others. It offers a natural, drug-free way to quell anxiety and stress by providing an energetic shield to protect you from psychic attack, negativity, and ‘toxic’ people
"Just wanted to let you know how much I love Shield. I’ve never slept better. No more early morning “wake ups” with other people’s stuff" SJ AZ
Shield also helps counteract the stressful compromise of having to be in workplaces or social situations that are not aligned with your personal and spiritual values. It is also beneficial for those who are ultra-sensitive to EMF's, computers, and environmental stimulus
"I work in a very busy, stressful, high paced environment. Shield has become my saving grace. An absolute shield" Lisa L Windsor ON
Use as needed
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50
Also available in our Stress Relief Pack
"Shield for Children" 30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50
"Shield for Pets" 30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50

The very essence of graceful mind-body-spirit harmony. Restores flow of universal connection when you feel disconnected, stuck, stalled, or blocked. Helps to release resistance, frustration, fear, worry, and guilt. Calms your mood and creates inner balance with energy to act, which places you in 'the zone' to use the law of attraction
"I have already noticed an improvement in my mindset and wellbeing from the Flow & Restore essences I have started using" Holly J Sarasota FL
Flow is also ideal for those days you don't have time to meditate. It helps you maintain inner balance and universal connectedness. Life is so much easier when you are in the effortless 'flow' of things! #flowwithlife
Use as needed
15 ml @ $15 ~ 30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50

NEW! "Brave New Future"
Helpful for negotiating through unwanted change, new uncomfortable situations, forced transitions or starting over that come with lots of attachments and emotional baggage
Creates excitement, anticipation, and enthusiasm to help you step forward into change or a new situation. Motivates and provides inner strength. Helps you to find creative solutions. Helps to release past ties
Ideal for situations such as 'empty nest', blended families, retirement, starting over, moving to a nursing home, and life changes caused by the pandemic #bravenewfuture #startingover
Use for 21-42 days
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50
NEW! "Courage"
Helps to dissolve and dissipate trepidation, fear, timidness. Helps you feel more grounded, in balance, and able to hold your own in situations which previously frightened or alarmed you #braveryinabottle #courage
21 days. Then as needed
15 ml $15 ~ 30 ml $30

"Faith Hope & Trust"
You can't always change or walk away from the situation you are in. This lovely gentle essence assists those experiencing dread and hopelessness. A light lift for those trapped in hopeless situations they cannot change. (such as an alcoholic co-dependancy relationship)
This lovely gentle essence helps you to rise above those challenging situations and overcome feelings of dread and hopelessness. Helps you to feel more positive, optimistic, and not become jaded by those who are self-centred, thoughtless and insensitive #faithhopeandtrust #overcomehopelessness
Use for 21 days. Repeat for 3-5 days as needed
30 ml $30

Increases brain hemispheric integration and balance, sharpens focus, and assuredness. Increases calmness. FOCUS reduces stress by helping to place you 'in the present moment' to allow processing and integration of your environment and situation
FOCUS can benefit executives, students and those undergoing job interviews #focus #stayinthemoment
For handling the stress of study and writing exams or SAT's we recommend RESCUE & REVIVE
*Our products contain 1 drop of alcohol per dose ... or you can order non-alcohol version
Use for 3-5 days as needed
15 ml $15 ~ 30 ml $30 ~ 60 ml $50

"Drama Free"
90% of your long-term happiness comes from how you process your experiences--whether you are an optimist or pessimist, and whether you focus on the positive or the negative
Drama Free is ideal for those who tend to always see the negative side, and for those who over-react and blow situations out of proportion
Drama Free keeps you from being knocked off balance by 'dramas' and helps you remain neutral in the midst of chaos--your own, as well as chaos created by others. Helps release negative expectations. Quells the tendency to see one's self as a victim of fate
Drama Free is also helpful for those who are around negative people and 'drama queens'. Inhibits you from taking on other people's dramas, crises, and problems
This essence formula is very helpful for overcoming adrenal fatigue and for stopping habituation (systemic addiction to adrenaline/cortisol) (use for 42-66 days for adrenaline imbalances)
#dramaqueen #adrenalinejunky #adrenalfatigue
Use 21-66 days to break negative/drama habit
Use for 42-66 days to break adrenaline/stress addiction
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50

"EMF Shield"
Uses nature's wisdom to counteract the stressful effects of EMF frequencies on your nervous system and brain! This combination of flower frequencies helps to harmonize and relax the nervous system, calming hyper-alert parasympathetic response #emfprotection
Use as needed 1-2 times a day
30 ml $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50

Restore helps those who are highly sensitive and easily distraught or shocked by violence, negative movies, books or television shows, and those who are overwhelmed and distraught by social injustice, animal abuse, and all the wrongs in the world, and feel helplessness to change anything. Restore releases your panicked, overwhelmed, jangled feeling and helps to promote calm acceptance. It releases your feeling of burden and injustice #ptsdtreatment #disablingoverwhelm
"I absolutely loved RESTORE .... it was grounding, uplifting and I just felt it was right" Neeta K Toronto ON
Use 3-5 days 1-2X a day as needed for reactive hyper-sensitivity
Use for 21-66 days for PSTD
30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50

"Rescue & Revive"
This emergency essence is a grounding, calming stabilizer when administered following any shock to your system. Promotes rapid recovery from physical or emotional shock, trauma, and anxiety! Its calming, grounding frequencies make it wonderful for restoring mental stability and calm balance during anxiety or panic attacks, following arguments or other emotional traumas, or to recover from shock following an accident, fall or fright #shockrelief #stoppanicattack
"I had a bad fall and broke my wrist. Was nauseous, in shock, and a lot of pain. The ambulance arrived in minutes. Attendants immediately began monitoring my heart with an ECG. My blood pressure was 180/120, so they wanted to give me a shot. Instead I sent someone indoors to get my Rescue & Revive and a glass of water. Took a dose of the essence fusion. Within a minute my blood pressure dropped dramatically, then 3-4 minutes later normalized at 120/80, and I felt relaxed and alert. The ambulance attendants were astounded by the immediate positive effects of my natural, non-drug R&R!" Lori D'Ascenzo
Rescue & Revive increases grounding and calm focus when taken shortly before high-stress situations such as tests, exams, job interviews, or public speaking. Helps promote a feeling of peace, wellbeing and clarity
Helpful for children, too
Use as needed
15 ml @ 15 ~ 30 ml @ $30 ~ 60 ml @ $50
Rescue & Revive for Pets
Also available in Stress Relief Pack

"Social Butterfly"
Helpful for introverts. A feel-good essence for mild social anxiety, and for those who feel awkward, shy, self-conscious, or introverted. Promotes greater personal ease, relaxation and comfort in social situations. Allows for relaxed social conversation #socialanxiety #shyness
"I was dreading New Year's Eve. But, I took Social Butterfly and surprised myself by having a wonderful time at the party. I found a new ease when talking to people and I wasn't self-conscious when dancing" Lori D Thorold ON
Use as needed
15 ml $15 ~ 30 ml $30

Helpful supportive essence for those who are experiencing stress and overwhelm due to excessive unrelenting responsibilities
This essence fusion offers relief for caregivers and those who are carrying excessive burdens. Provides comforting support and restores your inner balance, strength, and energy when you feel weighed down and all alone
Support is helpful in replenishing those whose job goes without recognition or appreciation, such as support workers, hospice aides, interns, assistants or volunteers. It is very supportive for those who have taken on burdens and responsibilities as caregivers for family members or others
This essence fusion is also great self-support when you are working on projects with deadlines and are feeling pressure and a great burden of responsibility. Helps you to feel that you are competent and capable #caregiversupport #selfsupport
Use 3-5 days or daily as needed
15 ml $15 ~ 30 ml $30 ~ 60 ml $50

A gentle drug-free sleep aid for those who habitually cannot fall asleep easily or get a restful night's sleep. The frequencies of this essence help induce healthy, restful sleep by stopping mind-chatter and allowing you to relax into the moment so you gently fall asleep
RESTFUL is unique because it entrains your brain to cycle properly into all 4 phases of healthy restful sleep, so you can awaken refreshed and regenerated. Increased dreaming enhances problem-solving, while deep sleep allows for cellular regeneration
This is NOT a sleeping pill and does not cause dependancy or morning grogginess. You are able to awaken if needed, and fall back to sleep promptly
Must be used nightly for at least 6 nights to gently 'train' your mind to become still and fall into a healthy sleep without resisting #goodnightsleep #restful
May be added to the bath
Restful may not work for you if the cause of your insomnia is nutritional or systemic ... Learn 12 causes of insomnia and discover more than a dozen simple natural solutions for sleeplessness ...
Use for 3-6 days. Then as needed
15 ml $15 ~ 30 ml $30
Also available in our Stress Relief Pack

These recorded brainwave patterns of a test subject show how quickly Restful begins to normalize sleep cycles. Brainwaves in healthy sleep should cycle through Alpha (7.8-11 htz dream state), Delta (4-7.8 htz) and Theta (1.8-4 htz) 3-4 times during the night
Image 1 shows an abnormal sleep pattern before treatment with 86% quality sleep and almost 9 hours of sleep required. The 2nd image was captured 3 days after beginning Restful. In just 3 days, the brain waves have normalized to produce 90% quality sleep, requiring only 8 hours of sleep

Our products are private brand label. They not sold in stores or other retail settings and are available only through affiliated health practitioners
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Need advice or assistance? Contact Us: Email us tel: 1.519.586.2983
Hours: 9AM-5PM EST Monday-Thursday