FAQ's About Custom Testing
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Why would I need custom flower essences?
The way you experience the world is a combination of memories, experiences and learning -- most of which happened so long ago and have become so habitual that you no longer know why you you act the way you do. Memories and experiences are stored in your unconscious mind. Your unconscious mind is so powerful it controls 97% of your actions, motivations and desires, and even your state of health. Learn more about the mind-body connection

Our custom testing is designed to pinpoint EXACTLY what you need by accessing what's stored in your unconscious mind. You don't have to struggle through remembering or reliving traumas or painful experiences, and trying to understand them. You don't have to return week after week, analyzing or thinking about your problems. You will simply let it all go ... quickly and effortlessly, while retaining important realizations that will elevate your understanding and connect you to the loving wisdom of Divine Intent. Learn more about what to expect during your custom test
In this state you are able to shift your perspective to effortlessly release the negative 'stuff' and the harmful beliefs you have been carrying and holding as your own
As your vibration rises and increases, the way you view your outer world begins to shift. Your thinking becomes more positive, and that enables the positive law of attraction in the fastest, most effortless way ever. Powerful realizations and 'aha' moments occur to help you understand your life from a different perspective. As you become rebalanced and can express the authentic you, your life begins to change in positive, constructive ways, with you empowered as the creator
What could be more beautiful, more empowering than that? It could change your entire world!
What if I can't come to your office for a custom test? We offer convenient and accurate testing using a recent photo of you. Your appointment will simply take place by phone, instead of in our office.
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How do I prepare for a testing session?
Think about what it is you want to accomplish or achieve or change in your life. This sets the intent before you arrive
Do not eat heavy food or consume coffee or alcohol for 2 hours prior to your session. This allows your stomach time to complete digestion so your mind and body can focus entirely on receiving the frequencies without interference. Bring a bottle of water and granola bar or fruit to eat after your session, if you think you might become hungry
What can I expect to feel during a testing session?
Come with an open mind, as no two sessions are alike. Your emotional and physical issues are unique to you, and no one else feels exactly as you do. Be ready to shift and change. Be ready to trust that everything that transpires during your session will be for your highest good
We use kinesiology testing (involuntary muscle response testing) to assess the exact living flower essences you need. As you hold each essence we assess your muscle strength in response to the flower frequencies. A pattern--'your story'--emerges as the testing progresses. As your story unfolds, you begin to see and understand the real underlying causes for your current feelings and situation. It is truly a fascinating journey!
Your test will take about 1.5 hrs, depending on your issues and what you need to release. Some sessions can run longer if you feel drawn to talk about your feelings or past experiences
After your session you can expect to feel 'lighter', more balanced, relaxed and calm, and more optimistic and happy. Your face may look different--less strained, more symmetrical. Your eyes more bright and twinkling
After a few days taking your custom formula, you may begin to experience a temporary upset as buried feelings come to the surface to be released. This heightened emotional state is short-lived, unless you fight it or try to suppress your feelings. We provide helpful handouts to assist you in quickly processing your feelings. You need to keep in touch with us while taking the essences so we can assist you as you process your experiences and help to make the experience easier
How will I know the living flower essences worked for me?
There are two types of people who choose flower essences. Those who are not concerned with spiritual development or self-transformation and simply want to remove obstacles or change behaviours. And those who are sensitive and spiritual, more aware of their feelings, and are pursuing evolution in consciousness
The more introspective you are, the more profound the shifts are likely to be for you. If you meditate or practice qi gong or yoga, you will likely have a more profound experience
The essences won't turn you into something you are not, so do not expect to feel anything other than your REAL self--without impediments. That means you--lighter, without baggage
The real evidence is usually what happens in your OUTER life. Are people responding differently to you? Are you responding to situations in a different way than before? Are situations, entanglements and relationships inexpicably shifting or healing or falling away? Are opportunities, serendipitous events or good things beginning to happen? For those who have felt 'stuck' or at a standstill, are you suddenly resuming your favorite activities or beginning to take action? Are you feeling emotions more deeply? Are your senses heightened? Are you experiencing feelings of happiness or contentment? Has your perspective on the past begun to shift? Has anger or resentment melted away?
Some people will not be aware of a major change, even though it is happening. That's because you release endorphins and oxytocin as you begin to feel good. Endorphins cause you to forget pain. (This phenomenon is what ensures that women still want to have more children after enduring childbirth)
To measure your progress, before you begin taking your essence remedy, we recommend taking the Happiness Quiz
Your scores will create a benchmark to see how much your thoughts and feelings change. Upon completion of your essence protocol, score yourself again using the Happiness Quiz, without looking at your original scores
Now compare the two sets of scores. Is there a change? Improvement? Major shift? Does the shift correspond to the remedy you were taking?
Can behaviours and habit patterns return after taking living flower essences?
How often can I take living flower frequencies?
Very likely you won't need a custom essence again for quite a long time. But, once you enjoy the feeling of joy and freedom our living botanical frequencies can offer, you won't want to stop taking our essences! That's why 85% of our clients are loyal repeat customers!
Flower frequencies are not harmful in any way. You can take them as often as you have habit patterns, negative beliefs, or emotional traumas that still need to be resolved. Issues that involve conscience or morality (such as feelings of guilt, shame, anger, low self esteem) will need to be addressed again periodically (every 4-8 weeks). Learn more about why it is beneficial to continue using our live flower frequencies
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Questions? Contact Us in Ontario, Canada: Email Us tel: 1.519.586.2983