Enlightened Feelings Living Flower Essences
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Price: $30.00
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: 073



Feel uplifted as you step into your authentic power.  End the cycle of giving away your power by playing the rescuer or victim.  Shift your energy from worrying about what others will think about you to what you know to be true about yourself. Stand up for yourself in all situations with compassion, not anger or defensiveness. Take charge of your own path and journey.  Feel more disciplined, assertive, assured, and responsible


21 days + repeat once a month for 3-5 days

30 ml @ $30  ~ 60 ml @ $50 


*All products shipped outside of Canada will automatically be non-alcohol formula



Original copyright 2009.  Last updated November 2024.   All rights reserved.  No parts of this website or its contents may be copied or quoted without the express written permission of Lori D'Ascenzo


Enlightened Feelings

Email Us    tel: 1.519.586.2983

located in beautiful Long Point Beach world biosphere, Norfolk County, Ontario  N0E 1M0