November 17, 2023 @ 9:02 AM

As an empath whose job is to help people connect with what they feel, I have learned unequivocably that we are all invisibly connected.  I cannot separate myself from others any more than I can separate myself from air


Often when I am testing a person by photo for the essences they need, even if they are thousands of miles away in another country, they can feel that something is happening.  I can feel how they are feeling, and exactly how a particular essence impacts them, even though they are nowhere near me




How does this happen?  Everything that exists is made up of atoms.  Atoms are energy.  Energy is vibrates.  Vibration affects everything around it, which affects everything around it, and so on and so on.  Everything is inextricably linked in this way.  Dr. Wayne Dyer called this the 'Field of Intent.'  In physics this phenomenon is known as 'quantum entanglement"  


Emotions are a type of energy.  In your body emotions race through your neural pathways as light photons, prompting all kinds of chemical functions.  Your heart is the epicenter for this activity.  Emotional energy emanating from your heart can be measured as far away as 60' from your physical body.  This energy, in turn, touches everyone and everything around you, affecting them, too 


Negative emotions such as fear and anger possess a long low wavelength, giving them stronger amplitude.  This allows us to more readily sense them and become alert or alarmed 



Social (herd) animals and birds are hardwired to be alert to emotional energy emanating from others.  In this way they can react as a group the second one herd or flock member feels alarm.  This awareness ensures the safety of the entire group.  In humans, we call this 'mob mentality'.  Activated by our 6th sense, it is part of the evolution of our survival mechanisms  


Have you ever walked into a room after people have been arguing?  You can palpably feel the tension and anger, can't you?

Everything is energy and that's all there is to it.  Match the frequency of the reality you want  and you cannot help but get that reality.

Just as you exchange air when you breathe, you are constantly exchanging atoms--first in your vicinity, and then ultimately with everything on the planet

Scientist Dr David Suzuki explains that negative emotions such as anger release toxins into the air as we breathe.  And, according to scientist William Tiller, each of the billions of atoms in your body contains the memory of every experience, every thought, every feeling you have now, or have ever had.  That means as you exchange atoms, you unconsciously send your thoughts and feelings with those atoms to 'infect' someone or something else


So, at all points in time you are either affecting others with your positive energy, or infecting others with your anger, hatred, animosity, grief, emotional pain, bigotry and other negative emotions    


The same thing is happening TO YOU.  Mind-blowing, isn't it?


Hatred, anger, malice and negative feelings directed toward others is a curse.  You might only believe you are expressing your feelings and opinion, but you are actually physiologically harming both yourself and others in very negative and harmful ways



According to Dr Suzuki, studies reveal that condensed molecules from breath exhaled from verbal expressions of anger, hatred, and jealousy, contain toxins which, accumulated over just 1 hr, are enough to kill 80 guinea pigs!  Anger damages the liver and gall bladder.  Anger toward another person is like taking poison and expecting someone else to die!  


Disease is in essence a result of conflict between soul and mind



Negative emotions disable your immune system, causing you to be more vulnerable to infection, virus, or illness.  Feeling anger, malice, hatred and other negative feelings harms you because these low-frequency emotions release neuro-transmitters that alter your physiological functions.  They harm your body


There needs to be a clear understanding and realization that our emotional energy is affecting everyone, and the emotional energies of others is affecting us, whether are not we participate and whether or not we live a great distance away.  We can feel it.   It alters our body chemistry, though we may not understand why we feel what we do, or realize the source of why our health is adversely affected

If you feel ill, unsettled, or overcome with inexplicable and vacillating emotions such as fear, anger or rage, anxiety, sadness, frustration, etc. without any imminent reason for you to feel this way, then likely you are experiencing this phenomenon   


We are infecting the world with our negative thoughts and actions.  Period.  Nothing good can come from that 

Whether you are posting on Facebook, speaking to others, participating in riots or protests, feeling anger toward someone, or simply home alone with your own anxiety and distress, the energy of your emotions is a wave that is felt by those who read, feel or hear your words, those toward whom you are directing your feelings, those in your environment (including pets), and even those who are innocently minding their own business in their own homes and not understanding WHY they feel unsettled.  It resonates through them, and continues long afterward, radiating outward into the world to affect us all  

Every energy healer knows how their loving energy can help and heal others.  But, if you have the energetic power to heal, you can also destroy or harm others with your negative energy.  You need to be very conscious of this and responsible   

So, how do we stop this destructive counter-productive mindset?  


Stop focusing on what is wrong.  Stop focusing on what you don't want, what you don't like.   You are only feeding negative energy so that it becomes stronger.  You are agitating the people you dislike, which will only cause them to respond more strongly and negatively.  And, you are strengthening dark 'entities' that feed on negative energy such as hate, grief and anger 


Focus on what you want to see, what you want to create, how you envision things should be, what is positive.  LOOK FORWARD.  Teach yourself to focus on the good that is happening everywhere  


What we can do when we are being bombarded by hate and negativity?  


"Any fool can run towards the light. It takes a master with courage to turn and face the darkness and shine his own light there."-- Leslie Fieger

The answer is, transform it with our own higher vibration  

Many spiritual people protect themselves by surrounding themselves in white light.  Unfortunately, this polarity often compounds the problem  

We are all a mixture of light and shadow.  That is what makes us whole.  White light confirms and rejects dark energy.  And so, as we disown or deny the dark parts of ourselves, those around us, and the universe, the forces of light and dark become polarized and more defined, both in the world and within us.  In this way, we naively create and contribute to the dissent, chaos and darkness existing in the world right now



Our amazing protection essence Clear & Protect can effortlessly help transmute your own negative energies and the negative energy of others.  It helps you connect with your higher self.  Once your energy is clear and unencumbered, you have the strength and clarity to dissipate or dissolve heavy emotional energy by sending it love

Healing yourself is the ultimate way to contribute to the health of the planet as well as your future relationships.  We have dozens of wonderful products 
that can help you achieve this effortlessly ....


Would you like support with shifting your life, your beliefs, and your emotional state of being?  That's why we're here!

  View our services


#thoughtscreate  #quantumentanglement  #spreadlove