Every year for more than 25 years, I have made an annual practice at New Years, of writing down a list of all the wonderful blessings and magical experiences I have enjoyed over the previous year. These are moments that have brought me joy and inspiration and that I choose to remember and hold close to my heart
As I write, I get to 're-live' the experiences all over again! It feels heart-warming and grateful to have so very many blessings. It is especially wonderful to look through previous years of blessings and remember all the wonderful experiences and cherished memories of a life well-lived
I then make a list of all my long-range goals (at this point in my life, it is more like a bucket list!). It is so satisfying to check my goals from previous years to see how many I have actually accomplished, and how many have changed through Divine Intervention. It makes me feel excited and motivated and connected to my own destiny
This practice of starting my year in a positive, life-affirming way keeps me focused and aimed on happiness
What do you need to do to find happiness? Can we help?
Try one of our lovely 'happiness' essences ...
#choosehappiness #blessingsjournal