December 6, 2024 @ 2:02 PM

Most people confuse their job with their purpose.   But the work you do is only the means to achieve an end result
Your purpose is actually the end result--the reason behind your actions.  It is what you have chosen as your REWARD … your purpose is the MOTIVATION or anticipated blessing behind your actions

YOU get to choose what that is and how you accomplish it

This applies to everything that you do, your parenting, your hobbies, your interactions with others

Is your ultimate goal financial security?  To help people?  To feel loved or secure?  To make a positive difference in the world?  To heal others?  To express your creativity?  To explore, travel, and have new experiences and adventures so that you can discover who you really are?  To invent or change the world in some way?

There are infinite ways to serve your purpose and find a sense of belonging and value.  And you don't have to settle for just one purpose or blessing!

The best way is to become aware of your longing.  Connect with it.  Listen to it.  Feel compelled by it.  Then act to achieve it

Most people operate on default, unconsciously -- totally oblivious to what they really want to feel, experience, achieve.  Have you been doing that, too?

As the year closes and you shed whatever you no longer need or serves you, a new door to your future begins to open.  This is the ideal time to think about your purpose—it’s the WHY behind everything you do, everything you are.  If you are unaware, or unconscious about this, your life will remain the same.  It will simply be a series of ‘get up, go to work, come home every day’

You did not find Enlightened Feelings by accident!  Something was missing or wrong in your life, and you felt it.  So, you asked the universe for the answer.  And magically you found our website.  And here you are reading this blog post

You don’t find us unless it is part of your purpose ... and let's be clear ... we KNOW you are part of our purpose!  We’re here to guide you …to help you heal your past and what isn’t working in your life so you can become everything you were born to be.  That is what inspires and motivates us

And that is what makes you so special and beloved to us.  How extraordinary and inspiring that among billions of people on this planet, YOU recognize the importance of healing your past, creating positive change, and becoming your very best self!

So ... What is YOUR purpose?
Here are a few essence fusions to help you align with that discovery …

Align to Your Destiny … Brave New Future … Self Acceptance … My Authentic Self … Spiritual Power … Clear & Protect … 

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