I once had a family member declare that I am 'too intense!' She said it made her feel uncomfortable
The very next day someone else described me as 'dynamic.' And, a week later, another person stated that she admired me for my 'passion.'
How interesting that the same quality can be perceived in both negative and positive ways, depending on your individual perspective and beliefs. That's the POWER OF BELIEF!
Beliefs can be empowering or disempowering. If you choose to adopt a negative belief about yourself, you will diminish your power, lose self-esteem, and change your behavior so you can gain acceptance and approval
When I was a kid, my mother called me a 'dreamer.' Her criticism made it seem like that was a bad thing. It made me feel ashamed
In truth, your idiosyncrasies ARE your power. They make you unique, individual, interesting, real
Being a dreamer has allowed me to envision and create so many amazing innovative things over the course of my life--including Enlightened Feelings essences! It has given me the power to change the world. What do you suppose would have happened if I let my mother's perspective dominate my life?
What special idiosyncrasies do you possess? How can you reframe them mentally so they can become your strengths?
My soul purpose is to be an innovator, creator, and catalyst for change. My idiosyncracy is that I see things differently than the rest of the world. That's how I can innovate
Another idiosyncracy is my empathic ability. I reach into the hearts of people to help them get in touch with who they really are and what they really feel. In the process I help to expand people's perspectives and challenge their present reality and level of true honesty so that they can be their very best
Sounds good right? But, to some I am ‘an electric eel in a bowl of goldfish.' I rub a lot of people the wrong way
I've had to learn that this is perfectly OK. I don't have control over what other people think or believe about me. Their perceptions are filtered through their own emotional debris
Had I listened to those people and their criticisms and opinions of me, I would have shrunken into something small and powerless. I would never have risked criticism, ridicule or rejection to help thousands of people as I am doing now
Instead, I worked fiercely to really know myself and what makes me unique, without letting other people colour my self-perception. That aligns me with my own soul and gives me power
While we are all part of a collective consciousness, our individual contribution comes from our uniqueness, not our sameness. What you see as flaws within you might actually be interesting indiosyncracies to someone else. Your unique contribution, your unique personality and outlook is what expands both human and universal consciousness. It is life-affirming when you consciously accept your unique self and and follow your own unique destiny!
Life becomes meaningless when you hold back from being the extraordinary person you are. Boredom and lethargy sets in when you opt for security and stop seeking adventure and growth. Depression results when you suppress your thoughts and feelings. Your self esteem diminishes when you play it safe and don't share your gifts. You come to believe you are less than you truly are
Our amazing live flower essences can assist you to effortlessly make positive changes in your perspective and your self esteem. We recommend these empowering essences in particular ...
I Am Deserving ~ Guilt Release ~ My Authentic Self ~ Spiritual Power ~ Empowerment ~ Self Acceptance