All astrological predictions indicate August will be a month of inner chaos and change, precipitated by the Lion's Gate portal. Change is always accompanied or preceded by chaos. Chaos can be a breaking down in order to break through. That makes chaos a good thing in short doses!
But, chaos can prompt even more chaos. If you live with chaos occurring around you, your brain becomes incoherent. Then your home environment or work desk might become messy or cluttered. With a messy or cluttered home and workplace, your mind and body can never feel calm or grounded and in balance. So, chaos perpetuates itself
But, there IS a cure for chaos--whether it is external, or internal: Your energy (and your environment) has to become COHERENT!
The antidote for chaos is love, gratitude, joy, and compassion. Our essence fusion I FEEL BLESSED contains those very frequencies!
High frequency emotions such as love, gratitude, joy and compassion come THROUGH us from the universe, while negative emotions such as anger, frustration, sadness, loneliness, prejudice, and intolerance are emitted BY us. Coherent higher emotions connect us to the Divine because they emanate from the ALL
So, when you wake up in the morning and when you go to bed at night, spend a few moments bringing into awareness the highest gratitude and appreciation for the many blessings in your life. Focus on what is RIGHT in your life, rather than what is wrong. That begins to change your neural network to a more coherent state
Find an anchor that helps you feel more centred, serene and grounded, and spend time with it. For example, music, nature, water, dance, tai chi, qi gong, or horseback riding. These types of activities connect you to your core and promote coherence
Our live flower frequencies can also help you to feel happier and more in balance by harmonizing your neural network into a more coherent state!
You'll find these in our Happiness Essence Collection! ~
#cureforchaos #choosehappiness #feelingblessed